Hey you losers, I told you all that you messed with the wrong General and most certainly messed with the wrong President and the people of this amazing country. The Demtard Party is now over. Now it's time to deal with the Rhinos and the Reptard Party. You see everyone, duality has no place on the New Earth. When we were conceived, we were assigned a gender a few days later and then a Soul jumped into the driver seat that already had a shadow and Ego built into this computer we call a human. Earth is not for the faint of heart. Trauma and suffering is how a Soul grows and because an even stronger Soul. You see, the Shadow wants to play, create, explore, be free, be a hippie and just enjoy pleasure. Let's all just be honest. The Ego is the one who is full of fear, shame and guilt and acts like a big baby. They, the one's causing all the problems, knew we had Ego and some have even bigger Ego's then others like Expola, played on our Ego and boy did they. The Third Eye is how one needs to live on earth moving forward. The One Eye Monster will be tamed. Once that happens, the Feminine Goddess will be released to the world and all Passion, Intimacy and Sexuality will be free. That's right folks. Free love. No more PAY-FOR-PLAY regarding sexuality and being close to those who bring a loving energy to your space. The days of division and stand 6 feet away and wear a stupid mask will soon be over. Men and women will be set free from their old contracts.

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