Perseverating? A new word for me.
With a different accent, that guy could have been on my high school A/V Crew. I was not a member myself (since I could play a musical instrument, I was Talent, not Crew), but I hung out with them after hours.
I'm not a Democrat, and you sound more like a trumpie than a Republican.
Well, it's not as sophisticated as "cuckoo" but you're a demotard nonetheless. CNN, MSNBC and all the other libtard rag mags have spent the entire week crying about Boebert. Nothing on relevant items that affect Americans, like the trainwreck that is Biden, Harris and other libtard "leaders" or the pathetic job they're doing, but how else do you brainwash the sheep voters? Oh, I know, give them a driver's license, unemployment and voting rights. Dump their college debt on taxpayers. You know, helping the "average" American. How's that Bidenomics working out, Fudd?