Hüsker Dü
LeBron not so much, but at least he took it like a man . . . James Harden wasn't so gracious.Im happy for you.
LeBron not so much, but at least he took it like a man . . . James Harden wasn't so gracious.Im happy for you.
Not an answer.
What exactly was "the deal", and how do you know it did any of the things you listed?
Bribing bad actors never seemed like a good way to do business to me, especially when we hold all the cards.
You are of course making a rational assessment and trying to relay it to a crowd who are conditioned to respond to an emotional or fear based stimuli . . . hence the response, "Not an answer."What makes you think that we hold all the cards? With the dismantling of our cyberwarfare apparatus China is stealing our military tech from the servers of our contractors and seriously investing in countering our naval advantage. We already pay Russia hundreds of millions to launch stuff into space for us. The European Union only trails our GDP by 2 trillion bucks. China is trying to subjugate all of Asia and set up a trading bloc that surpasses the economic output of us and our sphere of influence and with 4 times our population they could do it.
Xenophobia and illegal, unilateral, isolationist moves by our corrupt and incompetent administration aren’t going to keep the rest of the world from moving forward. All that it will do is embolden and justify the world’s bad actors, permanently damage relationships with our allies and succeed in causing us to lose global economic clout and to give up our seat at the head of the negotiating table.
Read this. I posted it before but I dont think anyone read it.That is an answer. The first sentence was very succinct. As I stated it allows all manner of inspections and restricts their ability to enrich uranium in return they get access to normal financial markets and relief of sanctions which limit them from a wide variety of global benefits. That is as simple as I can put it. What is your point?
We have had politicians concede and kowtow to foreign despots and rogue regimes my entire life.What makes you think that we hold all the cards? With the dismantling of our cyberwarfare apparatus China is stealing our military tech from the servers of our contractors and seriously investing in countering our naval advantage. We already pay Russia hundreds of millions to launch stuff into space for us. The European Union only trails our GDP by 2 trillion bucks. China is trying to subjugate all of Asia and set up a trading bloc that surpasses the economic output of us and our sphere of influence and with 4 times our population they could do it.
Xenophobia and illegal, unilateral, isolationist moves by our corrupt and incompetent administration aren’t going to keep the rest of the world from moving forward. All that it will do is embolden and justify the world’s bad actors, permanently damage relationships with our allies and succeed in causing us to lose global economic clout and to give up our seat at the head of the negotiating table.
There is nothing illegal about walking away from a bad deal.What makes you think that we hold all the cards? With the dismantling of our cyberwarfare apparatus China is stealing our military tech from the servers of our contractors and seriously investing in countering our naval advantage. We already pay Russia hundreds of millions to launch stuff into space for us. The European Union only trails our GDP by 2 trillion bucks. China is trying to subjugate all of Asia and set up a trading bloc that surpasses the economic output of us and our sphere of influence and with 4 times our population they could do it.
Xenophobia and illegal, unilateral, isolationist moves by our corrupt and incompetent administration aren’t going to keep the rest of the world from moving forward. All that it will do is embolden and justify the world’s bad actors, permanently damage relationships with our allies and succeed in causing us to lose global economic clout and to give up our seat at the head of the negotiating table.
TDS.You are of course making a rational assessment and trying to relay it to a crowd who are conditioned to respond to an emotional or fear based stimuli . . . hence the response, "Not an answer."
There is nothing illegal about walking away from a bad deal.
Hello?,.. yes, this is 2016 and we want our conspiracy theory back.There is if you're doing it because you're being blackmailed.
Which is why I would say as why millions of Americans who are both Republican and Democrats, calling for the Russia investigation into Trump and Putin's side deals. I'm glad congress listened to their calls.
Cloaked regime change? This from the guy that says Iran is about to implode?Read this. I posted it before but I dont think anyone read it.
You don't watch the real news do you? Remember, if it keeps happening to you with different people (when all the media sources are reporting similar activity) it may not be them, it may be you (the Trump admin in this case). The whole world seems to see a lot of things (many right out in the open on full display like Trump and Co's attempts to cover up) that you people in the bubble are oblivious to.Hello?,.. yes, this is 2016 and we want our conspiracy theory back.
Hello?,.. yes, this is 2016 and we want our conspiracy theory back.
I have a feeling secretly they hope the buffoon goes down in flames, and then they could wash their hands of the whole thing and go back to screwing us their way without all the unnecessary drama and crude activities.Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Jeff Sessions have all said it's legitimate.
Twenty indictments? How many of those show any collusion with the Trump campaign and russian officials to alter (steal) the election from cankles?Maybe that's how this is playing out on planet Looney-tune? I can't speak for that... any more then I can speak to Trumps claims that he can pardon himself for any crimes he commits while in office. If that's what you believe then that's on you amigo.
Here on planet Earth if you don't take my word that there is something to this Russia Investigation that has already resulted in the indictment of over 20 Trump associates; then go ask Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Jeff Sessions. They have all said it's a legitimate investigation. Just say'n...
I got this one Zfuckingro.Twenty indictments? How many of those show any collusion with the Trump campaign and russian officials to alter (steal) the election from cankles?
Imagine what they could do if they had an actual case.
Yes of course he is Sigmond...You are of course making a rational assessment and trying to relay it to a crowd who are conditioned to respond to an emotional or fear based stimuli . . . hence the response, "Not an answer."
The republican establishment has always hoped Trump gets bounced.I have a feeling secretly they hope the buffoon goes down in flames, and then they could wash their hands of the whole thing and go back to screwing us their way without all the unnecessary drama and crude activities.
There is nothing illegal about walking away from a bad deal.
Twenty indictments? How many of those show any collusion with the Trump campaign and russian officials to alter (steal) the election from cankles?
Imagine what they could do if they had an actual case.