Believe me, I get how many can look at it this way. I'm just a person that looks at everything with risk vs reward. If someone was really focused on getting funding for college for their kid, they would save the $5k to $10k a year on travel sports, put it in a couple mutual funds/interest bearing account and let it grow for 10 years. This alone will get you $75k to $100k of college funding.
Thing is, many enjoy the soccer club experience. Instead of downing beers and following the Raiders, I follow and cheer for my kid's club soccer team. The challenge and competition is also incredible here. Some may call this a mafia or whatever, but eveyone in the mafia is competing against each other as well. There are a few cabals that pack together in the mafia and network and team up with coaches and such. I get that and it sucks and is not always best for your kid too.
The reality, however, is this is how life revolves. Contacts, networking, alliances, etc. I truly think it's far simpler than some organized mafia. Coaches want a winning team that can get along for the most part. They will almost always take the kids they know over the kids that might be good when talent and athleticism are close to equal. You have to knockout a player to make some teams not just perform slightly better.
Also, club soccer players play year round, privately train on everything, and have far less weaknesses. There are some kids that are absolutely stunning and amazing at training and so so in a game as well. A coach can pick up on what they like and/or don't like pretty quick, but they will insist on commitment, athleticism, skills, and, probabaly yes, where with all within the family. Is mom and dad there with money and encouragement to encourage the kid.
The irony in this is that so many blame parents for being too involved as the parent is a huge portion of what the kid builds with work ethic, networking, passion, etc. I think many people hate these type of aggressive parents, because their kids typically standout. For how long and/or will they eventually fade?? Who knows?
What I find interesting is that I hear so much about burning out and how they lose interest in high school as this thread alone shows how passionate and desiring many kids are to be on these high school teams. Sometimes you have to join em if you can't beat em!