Once the anger dissipated the discussion became great.
I just wrote a long detailed post and deleted it.
My girl loves 4 days of smart, intense, focused practice with higher level players with a similar mind state. Her DA is using the US Soccer guidelines which is perfect for her to showcase her mental and physical games. Her coach is as blunt, honest and fair to her as her mother and I are and believe me when I say we don't sugar coat a damn thing.
She was constantly overlooked in the kick ball system. She can play it, but simply refuses to and her performances were never constant or up to her potential. The DA that found her is the perfect fit for her and the other girls they found.
So for those wondering what to do: Get in where you fit in. These coaches will be fired if they cannot bring the programs that pay them success. Take your kids somewhere they will be assets and reap the benefits. You know, the same thing we do when looking for a job.