The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

“Alternative facts”. “Truth isn’t truth.” I have never seen a bunch of liars like this since the assholes tried to tell the idiots that we were winning the Vietnam War.
Idiots believed it then and similar idiots believe these people now.
How old are you?
“Alternative facts”. “Truth isn’t truth.” I have never seen a bunch of liars like this since the assholes tried to tell the idiots that we were winning the Vietnam War.
Idiots believed it then and similar idiots believe these people now.
Did you see Supreme Court Justice Alito quietly call Obama ... › … › Miscellaneous Discussion for Inspectors
Jan 28, 2010 · He is saying foreign owned corporations are now being allowed to fund any and all campaigns and that should not happen. ... Did you see Supreme Court Justice Alito quietly call Obama a liar during speech? Quote: Originally Posted by gromicko. Name a corporation, big enough to influence an election, that has no foreign stockholders. ...
I don't know what you are getting at, but just watch tonight and then you can let me know what the hell you are trying to say.

Tonight I have a date with a lovely Trappist I found left over from Christmas. The shy little monk was hiding in the garage and I uncovered him as I was putting away Christmas lights. I look forward to him immigrating past my taste buds.
Did you see Supreme Court Justice Alito quietly call Obama ... › … › Miscellaneous Discussion for Inspectors
Jan 28, 2010 · He is saying foreign owned corporations are now being allowed to fund any and all campaigns and that should not happen. ... Did you see Supreme Court Justice Alito quietly call Obama a liar during speech? Quote: Originally Posted by gromicko. Name a corporation, big enough to influence an election, that has no foreign stockholders. ...
Which is your favorite? Mexico is paying for the wall? We are bringing coal back? Biggest inauguration crowd ever? How about “No Collusion?”
Is this guy a fag? He'll fit right in.

Newsom immediately challenges Trump at inauguration...

Vows 'Sanctuary To All Who Seek It'...
Howʻs that for eminent domain
That's one of many reasons why many people are leaving the state...

immigration to CA is up (as is emigration out of CA.) The poor and uneducated are leaving (in general) and the wealthy and better educated are arriving. (Why Joe is bucking this trend we will never know.) But it does give lie to the idea that high taxes will spur emigration. It is mostly high housing costs that are driving people out. The lower income CA residents can't afford too stay. That is a huge bummer and a huge problem. But things like Newsom's health care may make it easier for low-income CA residents.

Low-income folks moved out, high-income folks moved in
People making $55,000 or less a year were mostly moving out of California between 2007 and 2016, the report found, while people making more than $200,000 a year moved in.

More of those residents with lower income were moving to states like Texas, Nevada and Arizona. And more of those with higher incomes were coming into California from states like New York, Illinois, and New Jersey.

Young people with less education also left California
California families with children under 18 years of age moved out in droves to states like Texas, Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. California also lost a lot of people with a high school degree or some college education in this span.

On the flip side, California gained more adults between ages 26 and 35, many with bachelor’s or master’s degree — mostly from New York and from Illinois.

With this, the face of California is changing into one that looks wealthier and middle-aged.
Did you see Supreme Court Justice Alito quietly call Obama ... › … › Miscellaneous Discussion for Inspectors
Jan 28, 2010 · He is saying foreign owned corporations are now being allowed to fund any and all campaigns and that should not happen. ... Did you see Supreme Court Justice Alito quietly call Obama a liar during speech? Quote: Originally Posted by gromicko. Name a corporation, big enough to influence an election, that has no foreign stockholders. ...

And, of course, the 2016 campaign proved Alito to be the little turdfaced liar we knew he was.
immigration to CA is up (as is emigration out of CA.) The poor and uneducated are leaving (in general) and the wealthy and better educated are arriving. (Why Joe is bucking this trend we will never know.) But it does give lie to the idea that high taxes will spur emigration. It is mostly high housing costs that are driving people out. The lower income CA residents can't afford too stay. That is a huge bummer and a huge problem. But things like Newsom's health care may make it easier for low-income CA residents.

Low-income folks moved out, high-income folks moved in
People making $55,000 or less a year were mostly moving out of California between 2007 and 2016, the report found, while people making more than $200,000 a year moved in.

More of those residents with lower income were moving to states like Texas, Nevada and Arizona. And more of those with higher incomes were coming into California from states like New York, Illinois, and New Jersey.

Young people with less education also left California
California families with children under 18 years of age moved out in droves to states like Texas, Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. California also lost a lot of people with a high school degree or some college education in this span.

On the flip side, California gained more adults between ages 26 and 35, many with bachelor’s or master’s degree — mostly from New York and from Illinois.

With this, the face of California is changing into one that looks wealthier and middle-aged.
Sounds like we are attracting/importing more Democrats.
Trump Puts His Weakness on Display
His retreat on Syria proves he lacks authority to impose his will on other issues, including the shutdown and the border wall.

Donald Trump has become so weak that even when the formal powers of the presidency favor him the most — in his role of commander in chief — he can be easily rolled. And this feebleness costs him everywhere, including in his impotent bargaining position on his border wall and the shutdown.

Last month, Trump declared that U.S. troops would be leaving Syria within 30 days. That’s no longer operative. National Security Adviser John Bolton suggested the withdrawal would only occur under certain conditions and could be months or even years away. Staffers aren’t supposed to be able to put conditions on a president’s decisions about troop deployments; the Pentagon isn’t supposed to be able to, either. Even if you believe, as Richard Neustadt taught, that presidential power is very limited, everyone agrees that a president’s position is strongest with regard to commander-in-chief functions, one of the very few constitutional powers they have that aren’t easily checked by others.

And yet the Syria episode is a good demonstration of just how much Trump’s influence has eroded through inept presidenting.

And what Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and everyone else see is a president who acts impulsively, who is easily rolled even when he has institutional advantages, who fails to plan ahead or to learn the policy basics, and who can’t be counted on to defend his own positions. What that means for Democrats in the shutdown confrontation is that negotiating a deal with him is both impossible, and probably unnecessary: They can count on him to eventually swing in their direction, or at least to fold. And for rank-and-file congressional Republicans, it means there’s no safe ground. Oppose him and they risk being attacked, but support him and they risk being undermined — or being led into so many obvious traps it’ll seem like Admiral Ackbar is the party mascot.

Trump has always behaved like this. But while his reputation mattered in his previous careers, he had never been subjected to the kind of attention he is getting as president. There are no political players who are unaware of Trump’s dismal professional track record and remain available for him to work the presidential equivalent of Trump University on. And absent the extremely unlikely possibility that he’ll actually change how he operates and then manage to convince the world of it, Glassman is correct: It’s only going to get worse.
That's one of many reasons why many people are leaving the state...

Of course, this trend (net High School dropouts leaving/net College Degree+ immigrating) is another reason CA is basically dead to the GOP. College educated immigrants, mostly from New York, New England, New Jersey, VA and Ill are much more likely to be Dems. Of course, if you count foreign immigration, CA (and even moreso if you count birthrate) is still growing in population. We lost about 130k Californians (net) to other US. states, but had about 220k births and 180k foreign immigration.

Now, when Racist Joe follows his uneducated brethren, I'll splurge on a date with another Trappist or two...
immigration to CA is up (as is emigration out of CA.) The poor and uneducated are leaving (in general) and the wealthy and better educated are arriving. (Why Joe is bucking this trend we will never know.) But it does give lie to the idea that high taxes will spur emigration. It is mostly high housing costs that are driving people out. The lower income CA residents can't afford too stay. That is a huge bummer and a huge problem. But things like Newsom's health care may make it easier for low-income CA residents.

Low-income folks moved out, high-income folks moved in
People making $55,000 or less a year were mostly moving out of California between 2007 and 2016, the report found, while people making more than $200,000 a year moved in.

More of those residents with lower income were moving to states like Texas, Nevada and Arizona. And more of those with higher incomes were coming into California from states like New York, Illinois, and New Jersey.

Young people with less education also left California
California families with children under 18 years of age moved out in droves to states like Texas, Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. California also lost a lot of people with a high school degree or some college education in this span.

On the flip side, California gained more adults between ages 26 and 35, many with bachelor’s or master’s degree — mostly from New York and from Illinois.

With this, the face of California is changing into one that looks wealthier and middle-aged.
So this is why you don't like the electoral college?
Of course, this trend (net High School dropouts leaving/net College Degree+ immigrating) is another reason CA is basically dead to the GOP. College educated immigrants, mostly from New York, New England, New Jersey, VA and Ill are much more likely to be Dems. Of course, if you count foreign immigration, CA (and even moreso if you count birthrate) is still growing in population. We lost about 130k Californians (net) to other US. states, but had about 220k births and 180k foreign immigration.

Now, when Racist Joe follows his uneducated brethren, I'll splurge on a date with another Trappist or two...
Here comes 2020.