The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Actually yes. In my years of managing people, I have run into a couple, not very many at all, that just can not tell the truth. They will fabricate stories that are not just stupid but almost always totally unnecessary. From shaders to those that argue the color of the sky, I have dealt with them all but those full throated truth preventer are in a world of their own. War heroes, been in the fastest cars, had the hottest women, and so on. If a trucking company make a late delivery, instead of just saying, sorry the truck is late, the story becomes about a 3 state run from the law and how they personally escorted the load to the customer. A 100 guys and I have seen this about 5-6 times. About half of those are drug issues but for the other half, it is a psychological deformity. I think POTUS PG falls into that group.
People think he's funny.
People think he's funny.
Fear can be a subtle thing. It is often masked in humor. If you look around at a world that is different than what you imagined it would be like, it can be scary. Trump plays on those fears like the character in a Steven King book. He mocks people that are different. Brown people come from shit hole countries. He looks like a clown but much like that clown from Derry, Maine, there is real evil behind that make up. And the make up hides his own fears.
Fear can be a subtle thing. It is often masked in humor. If you look around at a world that is different than what you imagined it would be like, it can be scary. Trump plays on those fears like the character in a Steven King book. He mocks people that are different. Brown people come from shit hole countries. He looks like a clown but much like that clown from Derry, Maine, there is real evil behind that make up. And the make up hides his own fears.
"real evil" says the pro baby killer Andy Duke.
Here is the actual thing he allegedly said,
One of the sources briefed on the Thursday Oval Office meeting with lawmakers confirmed Trump asked, "Why do we want all these people from 'shithole countries' coming here?"
If Trump is so bad there should be no need for you people to make up shit.
"real evil" says the pro baby killer Andy Duke.
Here is the actual thing he allegedly said,
One of the sources briefed on the Thursday Oval Office meeting with lawmakers confirmed Trump asked, "Why do we want all these people from 'shithole countries' coming here?"
If Trump is so bad there should be no need for you people to make up shit.
What skin color are the people from those "shit hole" countries? Why did the Republican majority House and Senate not build the wall? Because this guy uses fear to get you all riled up. The only emergency at our southern border was made by his administration. If you want to stop drugs and deal with the humanitarian issues, build better border crossings. That is the first thing you do.
Actually yes. In my years of managing people, I have run into a couple, not very many at all, that just can not tell the truth. They will fabricate stories that are not just stupid but almost always totally unnecessary. From shaders to those that argue the color of the sky, I have dealt with them all but those full throated truth preventer are in a world of their own. War heroes, been in the fastest cars, had the hottest women, and so on. If a trucking company make a late delivery, instead of just saying, sorry the truck is late, the story becomes about a 3 state run from the law and how they personally escorted the load to the customer. A 100 guys and I have seen this about 5-6 times. About half of those are drug issues but for the other half, it is a psychological deformity. I think POTUS PG falls into that group.

I used to be like that, piling fable on fable to explain the failure of previous fables. I think it lasted from the first time I saw a Disney movie until about age 10.
What skin color are the people from those "shit hole" countries? Why did the Republican majority House and Senate not build the wall? Because this guy uses fear to get you all riled up. The only emergency at our southern border was made by his administration. If you want to stop drugs and deal with the humanitarian issues, build better border crossings. That is the first thing you do.
Is Russia a shithole country? Is mexico a shithole country?
That's not what the people who actually work for ICE/border patrol will tell you.
I used to be like that, piling fable on fable to explain the failure of previous fables. I think it lasted from the first time I saw a Disney movie until about age 10.
It amazes me to see middle age men do this. After you have seen it once, you get a sense of it pretty fast. When I first had a taste of business success, I became an incredible arrogant ass. Like most, the next economy downturn was not just humbling but life changing in many ways. I have no need to be seen as the best in my business. I have a great need to try to be the best. Getting accolades is nice but self satisfaction is much better.
It amazes me to see middle age men do this. After you have seen it once, you get a sense of it pretty fast. When I first had a taste of business success, I became an incredible arrogant ass. Like most, the next economy downturn was not just humbling but life changing in many ways. I have no need to be seen as the best in my business. I have a great need to try to be the best. Getting accolades is nice but self satisfaction is much better.

When I got my first supervisory job (a half-dozen engineers worked "for" me) I had to fire someone for incompetence. My boss and the HR manager and I met with him, explained what was happening, and I gave him a specific design task and a reasonable time (two weeks, I think) to get it done. He was gone by his own choice before the time was up.
When I got my first supervisory job (a half-dozen engineers worked "for" me) I had to fire someone for incompetence. My boss and the HR manager and I met with him, explained what was happening, and I gave him a specific design task and a reasonable time (two weeks, I think) to get it done. He was gone by his own choice before the time was up.
That is how is should go.
I never said he said brown people. I said the shithole countries are mostly brown people who want to come here. Than he said we should get more people from Norway. Why Norway?
Can you please get your story straight?
So you think brown people come from shit hole countries, not Trump.

Here is your post;
Fear can be a subtle thing. It is often masked in humor. If you look around at a world that is different than what you imagined it would be like, it can be scary. Trump plays on those fears like the character in a Steven King book. He mocks people that are different. Brown people come from shit hole countries. He looks like a clown but much like that clown from Derry, Maine, there is real evil behind that make up. And the make up hides his own fears.

Andy Dukes, Today at 7:21 AM Report
Can you please get your story straight?
So you think brown people come from shit hole countries, not Trump.

Here is your post;
Fear can be a subtle thing. It is often masked in humor. If you look around at a world that is different than what you imagined it would be like, it can be scary. Trump plays on those fears like the character in a Steven King book. He mocks people that are different. Brown people come from shit hole countries. He looks like a clown but much like that clown from Derry, Maine, there is real evil behind that make up. And the make up hides his own fears.

Andy Dukes, Today at 7:21 AM Report
I think that the majority of people from the countries he mentioned or were mentioned in the discussion that he refered to as "shithole Countries" happen to be brown skinned. Would you like the demographic breakdown of El Salvador, Haiti and the African Union area?
18 U.S. Code § 115
(B) threatens to assault, kidnap, or murder, a United States official, a United States judge, a Federal law enforcement officer, or an official whose killing would be a crime under such section,with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such official, judge, or law enforcement officer while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against such official, judge, or law enforcement officer on account of the performance of official duties, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

Check your ( 6 ) ya fool.....
You just posted the rule !
Do any of you Don the Con stans out there have a good explanation for why Donnie lies about the most mundane and easily fact-checked things, over and over again? Even when there seems to be absolutely 0 tactical advantage. It's very odd. Any thoughts?

First and foremost ....!

Post a list of the relevant lies you are accusing the POTUS of !