The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

[QUOTE="Hüsker Dü, post: 253873, member: 1707"

Self defense and security of property.....

Are you kidding, kill someone for stealing a car?
Self defense and security of property....

What should we do when someone destroys your business by counter
suing you when you are trying to recover monies owed
cost waaaay more than a car?

You need to clarify the above post....
one garbled mess that I was barely able to decipher.


You ever been robbed at gunpoint Rodent.....
You ever had your cars stolen at gunpoint Rodent.....
You ever had your business robbed at gunpoint Rodent.......

I don't think you have.....

Answer this Rodent :

What did they do to Horse Thieves Rodent.....
QUOTE="Sheriff Joe, post: 253932, member: 1585"





Well looky here.....
The FAKE Mexican gets a full cover on Vanity Fair....
QUOTE="Sheriff Joe, post: 253932, member: 1585"





Well looky here.....
The FAKE Mexican gets a full cover on Vanity Fair....
We know you are a fake, joe is a flake, we also have a wannabe fake Hawaiian and a smarter than anyone else plumber . . . how is Beto a "fake Mexican"? And as all ya all have said over and over that "Mexican" isn't a race, what does "Fake Mexican" even mean?
We know you are a fake, joe is a flake, we also have a wannabe fake Hawaiian and a smarter than anyone else plumber . . . how is Beto a "fake Mexican"? And as all ya all have said over and over that "Mexican" isn't a race, what does "Fake Mexican" even mean?

If I'm a fake why would you ask me for goodness sake.....

" Beto " ask the fake Mexican...
I will give you credit for one thing you are consistent, you never take responsibility for what you say.

You can give me credit....
You can give me cash....
You can slap yur face...
You can spray it with mace....
You can toss the dice...
You can be rotten n nice....
You can pet a mole...
You can sit in a hole....
You can toss the hay....
You can never tell me what to say....

Now run along and don't delay.
“The ‘no collusion’ refrain that runs through the entire defense memorandum is unrelated to matters at hand,” she said. “The ‘no collusion’ mantra is simply a non sequitur.”

Then she added: “The ‘no collusion’ mantra is also not accurate, because the investigation is still ongoing.”
Amy Berman Jackson is a dirty Tool......
Robert Mueller played her like a Fool.....
18 U.S. Code § 115
(B) threatens to assault, kidnap, or murder, a United States official, a United States judge, a Federal law enforcement officer, or an official whose killing would be a crime under such section,with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such official, judge, or law enforcement officer while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against such official, judge, or law enforcement officer on account of the performance of official duties, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).
Amy Berman Jackson is a dirty Tool......
Robert Mueller played her like a Fool.....
Right the judge is crooked as is the prosecutor as is the fbi as is the justice department as is the cia.
Manafort is totally awesome! I love the meeting he had with the Russian guy when he brought him all the polling info. Don’t you?
Do any of you Don the Con stans out there have a good explanation for why Donnie lies about the most mundane and easily fact-checked things, over and over again? Even when there seems to be absolutely 0 tactical advantage. It's very odd. Any thoughts?
Do any of you Don the Con stans out there have a good explanation for why Donnie lies about the most mundane and easily fact-checked things, over and over again? Even when there seems to be absolutely 0 tactical advantage. It's very odd. Any thoughts?
Fact checkers are cruel, evil people that squash nutter dreams, so nutters don't do "fact checking".
Do any of you Don the Con stans out there have a good explanation for why Donnie lies about the most mundane and easily fact-checked things, over and over again? Even when there seems to be absolutely 0 tactical advantage. It's very odd. Any thoughts?
Actually yes. In my years of managing people, I have run into a couple, not very many at all, that just can not tell the truth. They will fabricate stories that are not just stupid but almost always totally unnecessary. From shaders to those that argue the color of the sky, I have dealt with them all but those full throated truth preventer are in a world of their own. War heroes, been in the fastest cars, had the hottest women, and so on. If a trucking company make a late delivery, instead of just saying, sorry the truck is late, the story becomes about a 3 state run from the law and how they personally escorted the load to the customer. A 100 guys and I have seen this about 5-6 times. About half of those are drug issues but for the other half, it is a psychological deformity. I think POTUS PG falls into that group.