The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

She and Sen Cory Booker were the source behind Jussie Smollett's HOAX....
Chicago PD covered it up...
Jussie Smollett's phone records would have implicated her and Cory....
There's NO WAY he did what he did for a pay increase....SAG doesn't work
that way !

She and the whole Democratic Party are feeling " empowered " because they
have a large swath of dumbed down humans that apparently can be told to
accept the MURDER of infantile human beings...follow along like Lemming.


" It's just an infant - go ahead and kill it ! "

Matt Gaetz threatens Michael Cohen: Maybe it’s time for your wife to hear about your girlfriends
Allahpundit Feb 26, 2019 5:31 PM
Top Pick

“I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison.”
You guys give up yet?

‘Not necessarily the top country’? Sure, Sen. Booker, run with that and let us know how it turns out

Posted at 6:33 pm on February 26, 2019 by Jacob B.

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New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker wants to be your next president.
He also does not believe the United States is the top nation into which a person can be born these days.

What country, pray tell, is the top nation to be born in today, Sen. Booker?

If he really hates it that bad…

On the other hand, Booker’s comments may be valid considering his party seems laser-focused on making sure United States-born babies can be killed, even after they are alive.

Everyone knows you win the White House by slamming the U.S.
Works every time
This is how we do it.
Elections have consequences and we won.

9th Circuit gets another Trump-picked judge, after White House bypasses consultation with Dems
The Senate on Tuesday confirmed President Trump's nominee to be a judge on the liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a party-line vote -- and, in a historic snub, the White House ignored the input of the judge's two Democratic home-state senators in the process.

The aggressive and unprecedented move to bypass the traditional "blue slip" consultation process and plow ahead with the confirmation comes as the Trump administration seeks to systematically erode left-wing dominance on the key appellate court, which Trump has called "disgraceful" and politically biased.

With a sprawling purview representing nine Western states, the appellate court has long been a thorn in the side of the Trump White House, with rulings against his travel ban policy and limits on funding to "sanctuary cities." A lawsuit is currently pending before the 9th Circuit concerning Trump's emergency declaration over border security -- and Trump had sarcastically predicted that Democrats would purposefully file suit in the San Francisco-based appellate court to improve their odds.

The new 9th Circuit judge, Seattle attorney Eric Miller, was confirmed 53-46. Miller was one the 51 federal judicial nominees left over from the previous Congress whom the White House re-nominated last month.

I miss my Huli Huli Boi. Anyone take my bet yet?

Oh, goodnight Paulie Gonnadieinjail.

I'm starting to think Don the Con might not be completely honest about things...

Hey Racist Sterno Joe, go find your cluck cuck buddy, ask him if he's gonna take my bet. And how about you... getting thirsty... Look, it comes in a 40! You're be rolling RSJ. You gotta get some of that action. 100 cases. Think of rager you could throw for your cardboard box buddies!

Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 9.55.10 PM.png
I miss my Huli Huli Boi. Anyone take my bet yet?

Oh, goodnight Paulie Gonnadieinjail.

I'm starting to think Don the Con might not be completely honest about things...

Hey Racist Sterno Joe, go find your cluck cuck buddy, ask him if he's gonna take my bet. And how about you... getting thirsty... Look, it comes in a 40! You're be rolling RSJ. You gotta get some of that action. 100 cases. Think of rager you could throw for your cardboard box buddies!

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How dare you.

You fuckin' people. You have no idea how to defend a nation. All you did was weaken a country today, Fries U. That's all you did. You put people's lives in danger. Sweet dreams, son.