Their World, Our World
There are currently two worlds: one for the rich, leftists, and the Deep State actors, and one for the average American.
Their World, Our World
Tom Trinko
There are currently two worlds: one for the rich, leftists, and the Deep State actors, and one for the average American. Here are some of the differences:
Their World:
Hillary can pay Russians, who may be working for the Russian government, for unconfirmed dirt on Trump and use that dirt during the campaign as well as using it to get the government to spy on Trump for her, but it's not collusion.
Our World:
Trump is guilty of collusion even though there is not a shred of evidence that he did anything wrong.
Their World:
Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch while Lynch is supposedly investigating his wife is perfectly okay.
Our World:
Trump asking, but not ordering, James Comey to go easy on Flynn just as Comey went easy on Hillary is obstruction of justice.
Their World:
Obama can ignore federal court orders to restart issuing permits for drilling in the Gulf and to stop issuing DACA waivers.
Our World:
One random federal judge can stop the president from doing what the Constitution says the president can do.
Their World:
Obama can rescind every executive order Bush made.
Our World:
Obama is a super-president whose executive orders can't be overturned by Trump
Their World:
Supporting the mass murder of a million babies a year, disproportionately minorities, and sex-selection abortions where unborn women are killed because the parents want a boy shows how much they care about women.
Our World:
Objecting to killing the unborn shows that we are heartless sexist pigs.
Their World:
A Russian oligarch who contributes $25,000,000 to Hillary's foundation is cool.
Our World:
The same oligarch giving $150,000 to Trump's foundation is cause for a federal investigation.
Their World:
Hillary putting large quantities of highly classified information on an unsecured server that foreign governments can easily access is perfectly fine.
Our World:
A Navy seaman who put his life on the line to protect his country is sent to prison for taking photos of the ship he served on, which are classified but not highly classified.
Their World:
They can oppose school choice for black children, not care that black women are three times as likely to abort their babies as white women, bring in lots of cheap illegal labor to drive down black wages, and not care that thousands of blacks are shot each year in Democrat-run cities but still be pro-black.
Our World:
We want to end what Jesse Jackson called black genocide – targeting blacks for abortion, want to give black kids a choice on what school they go to so they can get a decent education, oppose bringing in cheap illegal labor, and want to make black neighborhoods safe, but we're racist to the core.
Their World:
They care about the middle class even though they want to raise taxes on them.
Our World:
We care about only the rich even though we want to reduce everyone's taxes.
Their World:
They push for ever increasing government spending and ever increasing taxation while giving little of their own money to help those in need, but they are the ones who care.
Our World:
We give much more of our own time and money to help those in need, but we're selfish and uncaring.
Their World:
Going easy on Putin as part of a reset of relations with Russia shows that Hillary is a great diplomat.
Our World:
Trump punishing the Russians for their actions shows that he colluded with them.
Their World:
Even though they reject the fact that life begins at conception and believe that DNA doesn't determine our sex, they have science on their side.
Our World:
We're anti-science because we don't believe that it's a proven fact that mankind is causing global warming, which will have devastating consequences. This in spite of the fact that we know that much of the "science" related to global warming is either just made up or fraudulent.
Their World:
A Democrat senator can be on trial for corruption for seven weeks, and the major networks don't cover it.
Our World:
Trump's "crimes" get 24-7 coverage even though there is no evidence he's done anything wrong.
Their World:
Even though they silence or bully every voice that doesn't agree with them, they are tolerant and inclusive.
Our World:
Even though we oppose censoring of leftist voices, we oppose diversity.
Their World:
Even though gun control has done nothing to stop crime and it violates the Second Amendment, their support of it shows that they care.
Our World:
Our support for Americans being able to defend themselves shows that we don't care about children.
Their World:
Even though they advocate censorship of political views they don't like and the legalization of pornography, which was not part of the First Amendment, they are fans of free speech.
Our World:
We are all haters because we believe we should be able to speak truth to power.
Their World:
Even though they attacked the women who said Bill Clinton attacked them, and even though they said Clinton's affairs had no bearing on his ability to be president, they care about women.
Our World:
That Trump had consensual affairs over a decade ago shows that he is unfit to be president.
Their World:
Facebook allowing Obama's team to access huge amounts of private user data was a great thing.
Our World:
Facebook not having taken steps to prevent a company hired by the Trump campaign to access the same data that Obama did is a monstrous crime.
Their World:
It's great that the same FBI that used unverified Russian-sourced dirt about Trump to obtain a FISA warrant enabling Democrats in power to use the full power of the government to spy on the Trump campaign now has access to confidential attorney-client communications between the president and his lawyer.
Our World:
It's unpatriotic that we question the impartiality of the FBI even though we have documentation of the agency's political bias.
Their World:
It's perfectly fine to force bakers, etc. to go against their religious beliefs when those beliefs conflict with the beliefs of gays.
Our World:
We're haters because we want to let people of all faiths exercise their First Amendment rights.
Their World:
No man would pretend to self-identify as a woman in order to get access to women's bathrooms.
Our World:
Even if the average person suffering from gender identity disorder won't molest women, there is no reason to believe that sex offenders won't lie about their "gender identity" in order to legally be able to harass women.
Their World:
Allowing teachers to preach atheism is a wonderful thing.
Our World:
Students or teachers who mention the God that 72% of Americans believe in outside of class are evil monsters who are trying to impose their beliefs on others.
Their World:
If Hillary had proposed the same temporary travel ban that Trump had, it would be legal according to our masters, federal judges, because her thoughts conform to leftist dogma.
Our World:
Trump's temporary travel ban is unconstitutional because Trump's thoughts don't conform to what leftists thought police require.
You probably felt a sense of
déjà vu in reading about these differences. That's because this two-world approach is nothing new to Democrats. It's just like the two-world system they set up in the South: one world for whites and another world for blacks.
But this time, who lives in which world is based on ideology not skin color. Make no mistake about it: leftists are demanding that in the public square, conservatives sit in the back of the bus and confine their religion to the four walls of their church buildings.
But the same fascist beliefs that leftists are more equal than other Americans justify both segregation policies.
It's time for us to rise up and say: enough. We need to refuse to submit to leftists' double standards.