With a little, a lot of help from his (your) friends.Wonder if she prophescied losing to t. Kek!
This is the brilliant post from Whiskers,I am no longer surprised at your ignorance. Or is that just part of your act as a troll?
And they, all but the president, don't want an archaic, middle ages technology wall either . . . they just won't always admit it (and how silly/childish an idea it is).
View attachment 3805wall-buster
What has t said?This is the brilliant post from Whiskers,
Hüsker Dü said: ↑
Seems t and of course his ardent followers are all fine with Steve King and his blatant racism. After a woman was run down by a car and killed, "Fine people on both sides . . ."
Again I ask, What the fuck does his place of employment matter?
You wretch.
He doesn’t have to list it as an asset. He just has to pay his mortgage every month. The bank doesn’t really care what you people call your domicile. They celebrate your net worth every time you pay them according to the amortization schedule that you agreed to. Kek!I think Don the Con is a pretty good adherent to Izenomics. I'm sure he lists his current "domicile" as a bank asset. No one will be shocked if when he's out of office we learn that he's take a mortgage out of Saudi on the White House. And refied with a HELOC.
Your monthly mortgage payment makes your domicile the banks asset no matter what I say. Kek! Fries U, what a deal!!Sorry Izenomical genioos. You doubled down one too many times on the "domicile" is a bank asset. So now the "asset forfeiture" for the wall will have to come from Nogales Savings and loan....
You really are stupid. That's what makes you the funniest.
"Your domicile is a bank asset..." kek. Sucker.
LiarBorder Patrol was able to defeat one of the prototype walls with one of these --
Who did they predict would win the election in 2016?
Agree. Gary Johnson did help. But then again so did Comey and Sanders.With a little, a lot of help from his (your) friends.
Who did they predict would win the election in 2016?
Fake News.
Your monthly mortgage payment makes your domicile the banks asset no matter what I say. Kek! Fries U, what a deal!!
What did their poll say would win the election and why should we believe them?They don't predict. They just ask for people's opinions.
He doesn’t have to list it as an asset. He just has to pay his mortgage every month. The bank doesn’t really care what you people call your domicile. They celebrate your net worth every time you pay them according to the amortization schedule that you agreed to. Kek!
Yes, Fake News.Breitbart didn't cover this?
No need to teach it. It comes out of your account every month. Kek!You keep teaching that, Proffeser Iz, and your Izanomics is sure to win the Nobel this year... Sucker.
What did their poll say would win the election and why should we believe them?