The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

How is that unchecked Muslim immigration going?

Khan's London: 14-Year-Old 'Butchered' in Knife Murder, Teen Girl Slashed in Face
3 hours ago
Khan’s London: Woman Kidnapped and Raped by Impostor Uber Driver

I bet we could find a common denominator in these 2 stories, but I just can't figure it out.
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My propsal for a way out of this mess -- Congress will pass a budget (just like the one the old Congress passed and t at one time said he would sign before Limbaugh and Coulter bit him in the ears) which t will sign with a signing message declaring a national emergency to steal funds from anywhere he can to build a piece of his wall. Many Americans will sign onto a lawsuit challenging t's thefts which will leave the whole thing locked up in the courts as long as t is in office.

--maybe next week, even--
How many votes?

Sadly, the bank had to give us some assets due to Manafort's plea. It's just seems unfair that the banks would lose valuable assets because Manafort is a crooked mobbed up creep. Izconomics just don't seem fair!

Stay healthy. Gavin's coming to your aid.
I have it on good authority THIS is the weekend...

Killary and O'Bummer are Going! Down!

The FBI will finally put those two Be! Hind! Bars!!!

It's happening!