The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Wonder what she knows about a wall of debt.
Perfect, I post something bad about london and you say something bad about the USA.
The definition of a liberal.
Anti-American nut job.
You posted about letting in Muslims who stab people. We let these white idiots stay here with their guns who shoot hundreds. Which is worse, dummy?
WTf are you talking about? Who on their staff or their personal lawyers are felons or in jail? Campaign managers? Attorneys? National Security Advisors? Please name them.
Answering a question with questions. How very left of you. How about you try just answering the question I posed to you first?
House Dems to shut down terrorism subcommittee — to focus on investigating Trump instead

ALLAHPUNDIT Posted at 4:01 pm on January 11, 2019

Lucky for them that global terrorism has been defeated. Otherwise this would have been deeply embarrassing, a real-life punchline to a joke about how obsessed Democrats are with taking down Trump.

It’s not Republicans who leaked this news to try to score a point on Pelosi’s caucus, either. This is Democrats themselves boasting to reporters about where their priorities lie. Trump first, then terrorism somewhere down the list. Down below the, ahem, “Green New Deal” somewhere.

Congressional committees, like the priorities of the politicians who run them, change with the times. On Wednesday morning, Eliot Engel, the Democratic congressman from New York who has just taken over the chairmanship of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, sank into an oversized leather chair in his office and told me that his first act as chairman will be to create a new subcommittee devoted to investigating President Trump.

After the 9/11 attacks, Engel’s predecessors on Foreign Affairs set up a new terrorism subcommittee, which underscored America’s sudden, obsessive focus on countering such threats. It is telling that this is the subcommittee that Engel will now eliminate in favor of his new investigative panel. There “wasn’t a great clamor” to keep the terrorism panel, Engel told me, whereas there is no end to the Trump foreign-policy scandals that his members are pushing to investigate. “We just thought, if we’re going to do something relevant in this era where Congress is going to reassert itself, where there are so many questionable activities of this Administration vis-à-vis foreign policy, that it made sense to have this.” Trump, in other words, is a bigger threat than terrorism. At least for now.
JANUARY 12, 2019
Love for Western Civilization Leads to Strong Border Security
By E. Jeffrey Ludwig
Pres. Donald Trump, speaking in Poland June 6, 2017, affirmed his belief in defending Western civilization. In that speech, he summed up his views by stressing the love of freedom. He said, "And above all, we value the dignity of every human life, protect the rights of every person, and share the hope of every soul to live in freedom[.] ... Those are the priceless ties that bind us together as nations, as allies, and as a civilization[.] ... We strive for excellence, and cherish inspiring works of art that honor God." It was essentially an updated reiteration of the rights theme of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" found in our Declaration of Independence.

To this writer, the simple sentence that introduced the above remarks was never fully developed, yet it was the key to the entire speech. Trump said, "Our own fight for the West does not begin on the battlefield – it begins with our minds, our wills, and our souls." This suggests an additional dimension of inquiry that goes farther than, but includes, the ideas and ideals captured in the Declaration of Independence. Those ideas and ideals grew within a philosophical, legal, theological, and historical framework where mind, soul, and will were understood in such a way that only life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness could satisfy them. To understand the dimension of mind, soul, and will, students of history must understand much more than the Declaration of Independence. That lovely document is but the tip of the iceberg of almost 2,000 years of Western civilization that preceded it. And it is only one of many currents of thought that sustain us.

At the same time as Trump was extolling Western civilization in Poland, many American colleges and universities have abandoned having a Western civilization course requirement in their curricula. The fascists, the socialists, the communists, and their allies – the atheist existentialists and deconstructionists in philosophy – have been successful in attacking the assumptions and principles of Western civilization and rejecting not only life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but the foundational understandings of mind, soul, language, and will upon which they rest. Consider all the amazing and complex threads preceding the Declaration that we are ignoring in much of our education system.

We have lost the glorious picture of the evolution of the fall of Rome; the strengthening of the medieval Catholic Church through many councils that affirmed theological principles that are still accepted by Catholics and Protestants; the struggle against Islam beginning in the 7th century and continuing until this very day, the amazing evolution of medieval philosophy under the auspices of the Catholic Church; the survival of the West through the Black Plague; the heroic defense of the West by Charles ("The Hammer") Martel, the educational reforms and defense of Christendom by Charlemagne and Louis IX; the prolonged struggle between the monarchies of Europe and the papacy for pre-eminence; and the early, middle, and late Renaissance. Would it not be valuable to read Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince when evaluating the behavior of Sen. Charles Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi? Trump mentioned that beautiful symphonies were written in the West (implying that they were not from Asia, Africa, or South America), but he only scratched the surface. In Western civilization, one finds the growth and development of "rights theories" beginning with the Magna Carta and extending in England and later Great Britain to the Declaration of Rights, about 100 years before our Bill of Rights. The West also is the origin of the scientific revolution, which has been a boon to our health, nutrition, transportation, communication, and prosperity.
House Dems to shut down terrorism subcommittee — to focus on investigating Trump instead

ALLAHPUNDIT Posted at 4:01 pm on January 11, 2019

Lucky for them that global terrorism has been defeated. Otherwise this would have been deeply embarrassing, a real-life punchline to a joke about how obsessed Democrats are with taking down Trump.

It’s not Republicans who leaked this news to try to score a point on Pelosi’s caucus, either. This is Democrats themselves boasting to reporters about where their priorities lie. Trump first, then terrorism somewhere down the list. Down below the, ahem, “Green New Deal” somewhere.

Congressional committees, like the priorities of the politicians who run them, change with the times. On Wednesday morning, Eliot Engel, the Democratic congressman from New York who has just taken over the chairmanship of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, sank into an oversized leather chair in his office and told me that his first act as chairman will be to create a new subcommittee devoted to investigating President Trump.

After the 9/11 attacks, Engel’s predecessors on Foreign Affairs set up a new terrorism subcommittee, which underscored America’s sudden, obsessive focus on countering such threats. It is telling that this is the subcommittee that Engel will now eliminate in favor of his new investigative panel. There “wasn’t a great clamor” to keep the terrorism panel, Engel told me, whereas there is no end to the Trump foreign-policy scandals that his members are pushing to investigate. “We just thought, if we’re going to do something relevant in this era where Congress is going to reassert itself, where there are so many questionable activities of this Administration vis-à-vis foreign policy,

Watergate took up a lot of time, too. It's good for the nation to root out these criminal leaders and send their team to jail.

Watergate took up a lot of time, too. It's good for the country to root out these criminal leaders and send people to jail.