Sheriff Joe
You are tripping all over your labia you big pussy.As are is brainwashed disciples.
You are tripping all over your labia you big pussy.As are is brainwashed disciples.
Actually he is a smart guy. He realized that people, in general, are not very smart.
"I have been at probably every powerful table that you can think of, I have worked at nonprofits, I have been at foundations, I have worked in corporations, served on corporate boards, I have been at G-summits, I have sat in at the U.N.: They are not that smart."
For sure we will not?We shall see... but I'm going posit it's possible he has overplayed his hand.
Worst Dec Dow in a long time, esp on the back of a huge budget-busting tax cut. Softening economy might not let him outlast China on tariffs. Exploding deficits tie interventionist hands. 17 investigations. Loss of the house.
Perhaps he will dodge the bullet... but for sure we will not.
Magoo....come on you know she was busy watching videos and lying through her remember!Didn't she trade our uranium for the opium? Or have I been reading too many 4nos stories lately?
I love your attempts to equate one against thousands defense (even though there is no there there with even the one)! What a fucking tool you are! Hilarious!Magoo....come on you know she was busy watching videos and lying through her remember!
And we will have great health care.I'm very confident that today:
Mexico will pay for the wall
The tax cuts will pay for themselves
OBummer and Killary will be locked up
It's happening!!
I love your attempts to equate one against thousands defense (even though there is no there there with even the one)! What a fucking tool you are! Hilarious!
For sure we will not?
The United States FBI. Always get their man.....................and no leaks.
Italy: FBI helped us take down ISIS plot against the Vatican
Ed Morrissey Dec 17, 2018 6:01 PM
Top Pick
Under the radar
Hey dickwad, I love your attempts to be relevant...shut the fuck up.
I was responding to this little gem that Magoo posted..."Didn't she trade our uranium for the opium? Or have I been reading too many 4nos stories lately?"
I got your tool hangin' right here bitch....if I want comment from you, I'll pull your nose out of my ass and let you know what I need.
Now run along you shit burbing 1/2 wit.
Ah Magoo, nice of you to stick up for that dimwitted fool...Coocoo.
Ah Magoo, nice of you to stick up for that dimwitted fool...
I'm just glad you finally realized your mistake in believing accusations that have no evidence other than the accusation itself.
Merry Christmas Magoo you are one coocoo conservative ...
If there is no evidence to ignore there is certainly no evidence...period.One thing I learned for certain is that if you ignore all the evidence there will be none.
If there is no evidence to ignore there is certainly no evidence...period.
How many of Ms. Fords accusations were corroborated, verified, confirmed, validated?
The FBI has ignored this six or is it seven times?
Coocoo indeed.
Merry Christmas!!
You are a slimy, anti-American, guttersnipe who doesn't understand how the world, the USA or even how basic day to day interaction works.
Relax, snowflake...and watch our justice system and system of “checks and balances” save the Republic. We have heard the military and Justice Roberts chastise Trump, he has both houses of Congress and still can’t get shit done...we will be ok.
Kek!It's working Bruddah! The Trumpenometrics is working and generating so much economical wealthiness!