The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Don the Con is so stupid he doesn't even realize the worst thing he can do to turn on the spigot a little is publicly demand the Fed stop raising rates. If he wasn't such an egocentric asshat he'd listen to reasonable advisor who would say - look, global economy is slowing. STFU and let the Fed come to rate conclusion without suggestion of Presidential involvement (and maybe don't get rid of one of the softest fed governors on rates in a long while... but I digress.)

Trump really is a dumbass.
OBummer only went 4 times in his entire 8 years. Twice in 2010 - once for 2-3 days, once just for one day. 2 days in 2012. 2-3 days in 2014.

I went ahead and looked it up. Apparently he went five times in eight years.
According to wikipoo....

April 7–8, 2009
Iraq Baghdad Met with President Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Visited with U.S. troops.
March 27–28, 2010
Afghanistan Bagram,Kabul Met with President Hamid Karzai. Addressed U.S. military personnel
December 3, 2010
Afghanistan Bagram Met with U.S. military and diplomatic personnel, thanking them for their contributions to the war effort.
May 1–2, 2012
Afghanistan Kabul Met with President Karzai and addressed U.S. military personnel. Signed a long-term strategic partnership agreement between Afghanistan and United States. Addressed the nation from there regarding the responsible end of the Afghanistan war.
May 25–26, 2014
Afghanistan Bagram Visited with U.S. troops
OBummer only went 4 times in his entire 8 years. Twice in 2010 - once for 2-3 days, once just for one day. 2 days in 2012. 2-3 days in 2014.

Killary only went at least 4 times too. Probably to smuggle opium!
Obama just wanted to be with as many mulim brotherhood types as possible.
OBummer only went 4 times in his entire 8 years. Twice in 2010 - once for 2-3 days, once just for one day. 2 days in 2012. 2-3 days in 2014.

Killary only went at least 4 times too. Probably to smuggle opium!

Didn't she trade our uranium for the opium? Or have I been reading too many 4nos stories lately?
Don the Con is so stupid he doesn't even realize the worst thing he can do to turn on the spigot a little is publicly demand the Fed stop raising rates. If he wasn't such an egocentric asshat he'd listen to reasonable advisor who would say - look, global economy is slowing. STFU and let the Fed come to rate conclusion without suggestion of Presidential involvement (and maybe don't get rid of one of the softest fed governors on rates in a long while... but I digress.)

Trump really is a dumbass.
Actually he is a smart guy. He realized that people, in general, are not very smart.

"I have been at probably every powerful table that you can think of, I have worked at nonprofits, I have been at foundations, I have worked in corporations, served on corporate boards, I have been at G-summits, I have sat in at the U.N.: They are not that smart."
OBummer only went 4 times in his entire 8 years. Twice in 2010 - once for 2-3 days, once just for one day. 2 days in 2012. 2-3 days in 2014.

Killary only went at least 4 times too. Probably to smuggle opium!
And Obama went to Iraq once, so 5 trips to visit troops in the Mideast wars.
How many times has Trump visited the troops in Iraq or Afghanistan?
I'm very confident that today:

Mexico will pay for the wall
The tax cuts will pay for themselves
OBummer and Killary will be locked up

It's happening!!