The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Rumors floating about that in the redacted portions of Mueller's supportive brief are indications that Flynn wore a wire when meeting with t and other WH principals.
Rumors and indicatons. Hanapaa!! You people know too much.
Attempting to use the DOJ and other law enforcement to go after political rivals, as t wants to do, is as deep state/banana republic as it gets. These are dark, anti-American days we are going through. History will not be kind to those who are working against our best interests and those that believe they aren't and support them.
You go to Friesland U?
Well, the silver lining (or maybe "Gold Standard pre-1971 lining...") for today is maybe our economical genius Franz-Joseph IZ will get his spigot turned back on... or at least turned off more slowly (watch them job #s tomorrow, economical fans! Housing and inversion are worrying folks.)

Meanwhile, we are all tired of the winning (except us short people...)

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Interest rates are prices. They impart information. They tell a business person whether or not to undertake a certain capital investment. They measure financial risk. They translate the value of future cash flows into present-day dollars. Manipulate those prices — as central banks the world over compulsively do — and you distort information, therefore perception and judgment.

Interest rates ought to be discovered in the market, not administered from on high. They can’t do their essential work if someone, say a central bank, is muscling them around. Let’s get the central banks out of the business of using interest rates — and stock prices and exchange rates, too – as instruments of national policy. Today, investors live in a hall of mirrors: They don’t know which values are real and which are distorted by monetary manipulation. Market-determined rates will help restore clarity.--
Sure the Dow maybe tanking, house may be cold, the 2-10 may be flat, but at least Trump took care of the trade surplus like he promised...

(Ok, new Freisnance economical genuiz quis: The US did have a $12 million/year trade surplus with China in one product. Who can name that (hint alert!) commodity? Winner gets more Friesnance economical geniuz analysis!)

Let that drip out of the spigot. Let the winning continue.
He acted like a 4-year-old who didn't want to be there.

Did you notice the pouty face every time someone said what a good President GHWB had been? Perhaps he was thinking ahead to what people would say after his departure, things like "Thank God that's over".
Speaking of pouty.
Still married to his first wife, never declared bankruptcy, hasn't been sued (or had a self-named business sued) for fraud or non-payment, never made hush payments to hookers, while he was Governor of Indiana he didn't fire anybody investigating him - got anything more?

Already he looks like several steps up from our current position.
Wild-Eyed Leftist


OCASIO CORTEZ: Climate Governance Will Create 'Economic, Social, and Racial Justice'
Too funny hearing her calling out her fellow dems to pay their interns the min wage. That way politicians get to see the labor market at work.
Then get the fuck out!

Housekeeper at Trump's New Jersey golf club tells newspaper she is undocumented
with the New York Times.

The woman, 45-year-old Victorina Morales, said she came to the United States from Guatemala and has worked at the golf club for the past five years.

In an interview Thursday evening with The Washington Post from her attorney's office, Morales said she has not been fired or heard from her employer since the publication of the Times article, in which she said she presented phony identity documents when she was hired at Trump National Golf Club.

Morales said she was scheduled to report to work Friday but did not plan to go, and said she made the decision to come forward because of mistreatment by her direct supervisor at the golf resort, including what she described as "physical abuse" on three occasions.

"I'm tired of being humiliated and treated like a stupid person," she said in Spanish during a brief interview. "We're just immigrants who don't have papers."

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency charged with detaining and deporting immigrants who lack legal status, did not respond to questions asking about the case.

"We have tens of thousands of employees across our properties and have very strict hiring practices," Trump Organization spokeswoman Amanda Miller wrote in an email, without specifically addressing the article about Morales.

"If any employee submitted false documentation in an attempt to circumvent the law, they will be terminated immediately," Miller said.

President Donald Trump issued a proclamation Friday to deny asylum to migrants who enter the country illegally, tightening the border as caravans of Central Americans slowly approach the United States. The plan was immediately challenged in court.

Trump invoked the same powers he used last year...

Romero also said he is also considering what he called "employment action" against the Trump Organization for what he said were potential violations of state anti-discrimination laws on behalf of Morales and another client, Sandra Diaz, who also worked at the golf club illegally.

Trump built his 2016 presidential campaign around a hard-line stance against illegal immigration. He called for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, mass deportations of the undocumented, and an expansion of E-Verify, the federal government's online tool to check whether employees are legally eligible to work.

During that campaign, Trump said his own businesses already used the system - which, in most states, is voluntary for employers.

President Donald Trump said Thursday he intends to take executive action next week to end the "abuse" of the U.S. asylum system, a plan that could include "massive tent cities" at the southern border aimed at holding migrants indefinitely and making it more difficult for them to remain in the country.

As president, Trump listed E-Verify among his immigration priorities and requested $23 million in his 2019 budget proposal to expand the program for mandatory nationwide use.

But in recent months, he has largely gone quiet on the program, preferring to focus his immigration rhetoric on migrants at the Mexico border.

His silence on the issue has, to the dismay of some conservatives, drained momentum from one of their top policy goals.

"The president has been half-serious about stopping illegal immigration by not taking away the jobs magnet," said Roy Beck, president of NumbersUSA, a group pushing to reduce immigration. Beck said Trump has "let us down in his promise to help American workers" because he hasn't "put his shoulder behind a mandatory E-Verify bill."

According to the Times, Morales said that managers at Trump's club had taken steps to help her evade detection as an undocumented worker.

Another club staffer drove her to work, the paper reported, because she could not legally obtain a driver's license. And after a problem was discovered with her old phony documents, the Times reported that a club supervisor directed her to an employee who helped her obtain new phony ones.

The Times story was posted online on Thursday afternoon. Marc Lacey, the Times's national editor, wrote on Twitter that Morales had been notified a day earlier that the story would be posted and that she did not go to work Thursday