Bruddah IZ
Rumors and indicatons. Hanapaa!! You people know too much.Rumors floating about that in the redacted portions of Mueller's supportive brief are indications that Flynn wore a wire when meeting with t and other WH principals.
Rumors and indicatons. Hanapaa!! You people know too much.Rumors floating about that in the redacted portions of Mueller's supportive brief are indications that Flynn wore a wire when meeting with t and other WH principals.
They tell me Joy Behar threatened to leave the View.Needed a camera focused on t's face when Mulroney said this --
Have another Folgers and let us know what you decide.I'm trying to decide whether t hasn't been to church often enough to know the Apostles' Creed, or whether he just can't read.
How crappy a candidate did you people have to nominate to lose to Trump?Both.
It’s a good thing we got you QE spigot boy.The Winning is Beginning!
The Trumponomics is singing!
All the winning that he bringing!
(Kids, dunno if you heard, but he's a money laundering con... just saying')
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You go to Friesland U?Attempting to use the DOJ and other law enforcement to go after political rivals, as t wants to do, is as deep state/banana republic as it gets. These are dark, anti-American days we are going through. History will not be kind to those who are working against our best interests and those that believe they aren't and support them.
Mazie is right. You people know too much.Trumpians, like t, are neither Republican nor Democrat. They have been conned into attempting to help "Make Trump Great for Once" . . . he's been an aggrieved outsider (grifter) all his life.
Did you learn that at Friesland U?This was Obama’s economy, per reasonable and customary viewpoints, for the first year.
How did you smart people let it all happen?"reasonable and customary", does not apply to t or his band of brainwashed buffoons.
Well, the silver lining (or maybe "Gold Standard pre-1971 lining...") for today is maybe our economical genius Franz-Joseph IZ will get his spigot turned back on... or at least turned off more slowly (watch them job #s tomorrow, economical fans! Housing and inversion are worrying folks.)
Meanwhile, we are all tired of the winning (except us short people...)
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Let that drip out of the spigot. Let the winning continue.Sure the Dow maybe tanking, house may be cold, the 2-10 may be flat, but at least Trump took care of the trade surplus like he promised...
(Ok, new Freisnance economical genuiz quis: The US did have a $12 million/year trade surplus with China in one product. Who can name that (hint alert!) commodity? Winner gets more Friesnance economical geniuz analysis!)
Speaking of pouty.He acted like a 4-year-old who didn't want to be there.
Did you notice the pouty face every time someone said what a good President GHWB had been? Perhaps he was thinking ahead to what people would say after his departure, things like "Thank God that's over".
YawnStill married to his first wife, never declared bankruptcy, hasn't been sued (or had a self-named business sued) for fraud or non-payment, never made hush payments to hookers, while he was Governor of Indiana he didn't fire anybody investigating him - got anything more?
Already he looks like several steps up from our current position.
Easy whiskersPence seems to be the only one not attempting to 'cash in' on his position within the t admin, so far. He has, though, had to swallow a LOT of pride, integrity, religious belief and t-scum in the process.
Too funny hearing her calling out her fellow dems to pay their interns the min wage. That way politicians get to see the labor market at work.
Maybe you didn’t want to risk offending anyone.I am sad that I didn't think of that myself.
Shouldn’t this post be in the How Dems display their intel thread?DNC Chair Laments Influence of Church on Voters
2 hours ago
Speaking of pouty.