Still married to his first wife, never declared bankruptcy, hasn't been sued (or had a self-named business sued) for fraud or non-payment, never made hush payments to hookers, while he was Governor of Indiana he didn't fire anybody investigating him - got anything more?
Already he looks like several steps up from our current position.
Did the Clinton's declare BK ?
Did the Clinton's have involvement in Vince Fosters death ?
Did William Jefferson Clinton pay off Hookers ?
Did anyone ever sue the Clinton's for fraud or non-payment ?
Did the Clinton's ever fire anyone investigating them ?
Did the Obama's declare BK ?
Did Obama have deaths associated with him ?
Did Barry Soetoro aka Barrack Hussain Obama pay off Hookers ?
Did anyone ever sue the Obama's for fraud or non-payment ?
Did the Obama's ever fire anyone investigating them ?
You voted/supported both....
Oh what about your " Buddy " Filthy there's a piece of work !
You voted/supported him.