You assume an awful lot and generalize way to much...
Poor con man? He conned his way to the Presidency. Who you trying to con?
While you may not have referenced Hitler, many like minded folks you agree with have.
You certainly have continued to tow the Russian collusion line...
What Trump's arrangement was with a whore is of no consequence to you or me...with me anyway.
You're such a hypocritical clown. And a rube, which is why the con will work. Cons work people who want to believe.
Lots of folks also believe Trump is a "good Christian." Kek.
His relationship with a "whore" matters because his hush-money payments to her and other women are illegal. So they have consequence to Cohen, who arranged them. And that is why he is spilling the beans on Don the Cons other cons.
Don the Con is really more mob-boss than con, in some ways. It is no accident he got his AC property from the Chicken Man, before the front of Mr. Testa's house was blown off, taking Mr. Testa with him...
It is no surprise that Don the mob-con lied on his NJ casino applications, that he bankrupt casinos left and right - I mean, come on, house odds anyone? Can't even skim enough off the booze to make your debt payments?
He's a con. He lies as a matter of course. You and many others are the mark. Your kid's/grandkid's economic future is the haul.