The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

ABA urges FBI investigation before Senate vote -- Grassley from ABA 9-27-18.pdf

The American Bar Association urges the United States Senate Judiciary Committee (and, as appropriate, the full Senate) to conduct a confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States only after an appropriate background check into the allegations made by Professor Ford and others is completed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.​
ABA urges FBI investigation before Senate vote -- Grassley from ABA 9-27-18.pdf

The American Bar Association urges the United States Senate Judiciary Committee (and, as appropriate, the full Senate) to conduct a confirmation vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States only after an appropriate background check into the allegations made by Professor Ford and others is completed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.​
Were the previous background checks not appropriate?
Appropriate, but not complete in light of new evidence.
How appropriate were the Democrats?
They have been sitting on this accusation for weeks...
They just want to delay the vote hoping they can take back the Senate in the next election and block any of Trump's appointees
Kavanaugh has been "vetted" 6 times over several decades and nothing like this has been reported.
The is no evidence to corroborate Dr. Ford's story...hell, she can't remember where the house is located or who's house she was at.
Where the's the blue dress...
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Appropriate, but not complete in light of new evidence.


Respectfully, the Senate should recognize that a thorough FBI investigation will demonstrate its commitment to a Supreme Court that is above reproach.

Are we assuming that the FBI is not thorough in these types of investigations?

I’m tempted to conclude that if we human beings routinely treated accusations alone as sufficient proof of, if not their absolute validity, at least of their presumptive validity, civilization would be practically impossible. I think that this conclusion is likely correct. But, perhaps, it’s too strong. So I’ll conclude instead by saying that if we human beings routinely treated accusations alone as sufficient proof of, if not their absolute validity, at least of their presumptive validity, civilization as we know it would not exist. Whatever civilization we would then be members of would look and feel radically different from that which we now know.--Donald Boudreaux
One point that I missed today, but just observed on the replays --

Kavanaugh said that his high school drinking was legal because in Maryland at that time the minimum age for alcohol was 18. Maryland changed that law to 21 effective July 1, 1982. Kavanaugh was born on February 12, 1965. That would make him 17 years, 4 months, and 18 days old when the law changed.

That was sworn testimony, right?
Wow.. you trully are as clueless as I thought.
