The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

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The important thing is this official written statement from our president is entirely true, and there is no video of our president anytime in his life saying otherwise.
Gee willikers. Hasn’t anybody on the web condensed Trump’s Howard Stern interview in which sometime around 17 minutes into a 23 minute clip Trump calls a golfing buddy “mentally retarded” and edited it down to a 20 second YouTube clip?

I don’t use my “The important thing is ...” routine unless I already know there is uncontroverted evidence to support the “thing” I pretend doesn’t exist. But 23 minutes clips are intolerably too long to use as punchlines. And I have to have a YouTube clip or this forum software won’t let me import it.

There’s a 1:30 minute version I tried to use, but it’s Vimeo or some other format and I can’t load it.
Oh, I’ve got a beautiful tract of 20 acres in the South Florida hill country, starting at 600 feet above sea level and above, I can sell to you for a one time price of $22k/acre. You’ll need to wire transfer the funds to a Cypriot bank, a convenient way I use to best account for my income in US IRS reporting requirements.

Gee willikers. Hasn’t anybody on the web condensed Trump’s Howard Stern interview in which sometime around 17 minutes into a 23 minute clip Trump calls a golfing buddy “mentally retarded” and edited it down to a 20 second YouTube clip?

I don’t use my “The important thing is ...” routine unless I already know there is uncontroverted evidence to support the “thing” I pretend doesn’t exist. But 23 minutes clips are intolerably too long to use as punchlines. And I have to have a YouTube clip or this forum software won’t let me import it.

There’s a 1:30 minute version I tried to use, but it’s Vimeo or some other format and I can’t load it.

I give you full respect for being well above the nominal level of opinionated discourse of the nincompoops here that are incapable of seeing the disintegration of our American political ethos, hopefully just a short term in hindsight and not one that leads to a Third World War, or irrevocably sets into motion by inaction, the scientific fact of climate change to the detriment of our planet.

If you’re correct that Deep Truth is not Pence, your strongest arguments are that a wily Senior Official has used “lodestar” in their op ed to throw linguists off their track and pin it on Pence. Second is Pence has no greater concern for the planet’s vitality than Trump. Probably less. Trump only cares about making money and being told he’s great. If sea rise affects his Russian loaned golf courses, then climate change will be a tertiary concern of his.

Pence has the whole God thing running through his pious thought process. Deep Truth doesn’t smell pious in a Pence way, thus the lodestar “tell” may well be a red herring.

Also, I saw your post stating Deep Throat Part Deux today. It certainly may predate my Deep Truth dib. But their apples and oranges.
You have a way of turning the simple and obvious, into a babbling matrix of disjointed confusion.
Its a gift.
You have a way of turning the simple and obvious, into a babbling matrix of disjointed confusion.
Its a gift.
I’m sorry that basic collegiate or post graduate degree levels of basic intelligence and prose are consistedly ‘confusing’ to you. I don’t mean to suggest your education or intelligence levels are below such hurdles, but your responses suggest otherwise.

I’m unwilling when out of character to dumb down my posts to meet your stated level of comprehension. I truly believe you personally understand precisely my point of view and the level of use of prose to articulate it. I have nothing to offer the true nincompoops than callously argue with you through their coarse language and coarse images to react to my level of discourse.

I’m neither a statesman nor speechwriter, but when I am out of character, I choose to use my actual level of English language knowledge and usage therein. So your suggestion I am trying to complicate issues is unfounded. At least, I’m subconsciously trying to leave the true nincompoops here well beyond the rear view mirrors.
I’m sorry that basic collegiate or post graduate degree levels of basic intelligence and prose are consistedly ‘confusing’ to you. I don’t mean to suggest your education or intelligence levels are below such hurdles, but your responses suggest otherwise.

I’m unwilling when out of character to dumb down my posts to meet your stated level of comprehension. I truly believe you personally understand precisely my point of view and the level of use of prose to articulate it. I have nothing to offer the true nincompoops than callously argue with you through their coarse language and coarse images to react to my level of discourse.

I’m neither a statesman nor speechwriter, but when I am out of character, I choose to use my actual level of English language knowledge and usage therein. So your suggestion I am trying to complicate issues is unfounded. At least, I’m subconsciously trying to leave the true nincompoops here well beyond the rear view mirrors.
Thanks for "consistedly ‘confusing’" us by dumbing yourself down for our benefit.
It’s no insult by me if your vocabulary and grammar level is at or below your high school or grammar school level, at best, accordingly. I’m just not willing while out of character to pander to it by dumbing down phrases and verbiage to match your level of comprehension.
It’s no insult by me if your vocabulary and grammar level is at or below your high school or grammar school level, at best, accordingly. I’m just not willing while out of character to pander to it by dumbing down phrases and verbiage to match your level of comprehension.
I’m sorry that basic collegiate or post graduate degree levels of basic intelligence and prose are consistedly ‘confusing’ to you. I don’t mean to suggest your education or intelligence levels are below such hurdles, but your responses suggest otherwise.

I’m unwilling when out of character to dumb down my posts to meet your stated level of comprehension. I truly believe you personally understand precisely my point of view and the level of use of prose to articulate it. I have nothing to offer the true nincompoops than callously argue with you through their coarse language and coarse images to react to my level of discourse.

I’m neither a statesman nor speechwriter, but when I am out of character, I choose to use my actual level of English language knowledge and usage therein. So your suggestion I am trying to complicate issues is unfounded. At least, I’m subconsciously trying to leave the true nincompoops here well beyond the rear view mirrors.
I couldnt have said it better.
You are truly gifted, ..maybe even "touched".
You sir are a blowhard and a no particular order.
I’m sorry you have trouble with facts, words that perhaps you have to look up their meaning, and any willingness to engage in adult conversation. I’d still with your “dumb” emojis. Saves time.
I’m sorry you have trouble with facts, words that perhaps you have to look up their meaning, and any willingness to engage in adult conversation. I’d still with your “dumb” emojis. Saves time.

Put down the cocktail keyboard warrior and proof read your nonsense... what do you find?
I couldnt have said it better.
You are truly gifted, ..maybe even "touched".
It’s been a few bad weeks for your man, I get it. It’s frustrating. Actually I’m not sure any week since late January 2017 has gone particularly well. But for alternative facts. Rather than surreptitiously insult me with false claims of my own self aggrandizing, you would serve your arguments by actually responding to my opinions with opinions of your own. I assume you have such, about Trump’s honesty. Trump’s fidelity. Trump’s promise of hiring only the best people around him. Trump’s transparency and Trump’s work ethics. I’ll all eyes.