Gee willikers. Hasn’t anybody on the web condensed Trump’s Howard Stern interview in which sometime around 17 minutes into a 23 minute clip Trump calls a golfing buddy “mentally retarded” and edited it down to a 20 second YouTube clip?View attachment 3119
The important thing is this official written statement from our president is entirely true, and there is no video of our president anytime in his life saying otherwise.
I don’t use my “The important thing is ...” routine unless I already know there is uncontroverted evidence to support the “thing” I pretend doesn’t exist. But 23 minutes clips are intolerably too long to use as punchlines. And I have to have a YouTube clip or this forum software won’t let me import it.
There’s a 1:30 minute version I tried to use, but it’s Vimeo or some other format and I can’t load it.