Hate to break it to you. Deep Truth is not anonymous. He is known by a very small circle of top executives at the NYTs. I’m confident it’s their editor in chief, whoever edits the op-ed section, and potentially the publisher. Deep Truth is simply a protected source, not anonymous.
Anonymous would be someone that writes an op ed and submits it to a publication, without identifying themselves, and which no legitimate publication would publish. You know, stuff Drudge and Alex Jones “alert” nutters about.
Deep Throat, was a long time deep background source to Woodward for several years before Watergate, when Woodward worked in Naval Intelligence, I believe. And Woodward cultivated Felt through the Watergate scandal with quite a bit of tortured ambivalence on Felt’s part.
Woodward, Bernstein and Ben Bradlee were the only people that knew it was Felt, and honored his request to not be publicly identified in his lifetime. But circumstances unrelated to any of them “outed” Felt at the near end of his life, by which time he did not begrudge being finally openly identified.
You just have to read The Secret Man by Woodward published in 2005, to get all of the lies and factually fake news Woodward has spent a lifetime disseminating while dishonestly stealing so-called “Pulitzer” prizes for shotty research, writing and treasonous publishing.