The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Goodnight Paulie Nobail. Tomorrow is Independence Day... for me, not you.

Goodnight GOP lead Senate Select Committe on Intelligence and their findings.

Goodnight Mikey "ending attorney sharing agreement" Cohen...

Goodnight moon.
Goodnight, John Boy.
..."Goodnight Grandpa"..
Pore Pour Paulie Nobail.
Pore Pour Alex van der Stooge.
Goodnight Paulie Nobail. I'll eat a hotdog for you tomorrow. And have a nice cold beer. And maybe even two.
Goodnight Alex van der Stooge. I'll have a raw makerel with onion for you. And a nice cold beer. And maybe even two.
De haring hangt door zijn eigen kieuwen...
Pore Pour Paulie Nobail.
Pore Pour Alex van der Stooge.
Goodnight Paulie Nobail. I'll eat a hotdog for you tomorrow. And have a nice cold beer. And maybe even two.
Goodnight Alex van der Stooge. I'll have a raw makerel with onion for you. And a nice cold beer. And maybe even two.
De haring hangt door zijn eigen kieuwen...
Thats nice the way you said goodnight in Chinese.
You're a giver too.
That is such a phony number.

The number isn't reflective. I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. That is the biggest joke there is in this country. … The unemployment rate is probably 20 percent, but I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's a 30, 32. And the highest I've heard so far is 42 percent.
Pore Pour Paulie Nobail.
Pore Pour Alex van der Stooge.
Goodnight Paulie Nobail. I'll eat a hotdog for you tomorrow. And have a nice cold beer. And maybe even two.
Goodnight Alex van der Stooge. I'll have a raw makerel with onion for you. And a nice cold beer. And maybe even two.
De haring hangt door zijn eigen kieuwen...

Gute Nacht, du unwissende Scheiß-Schlinge Socialist Lemming ....
That is such a phony number.

The number isn't reflective. I've seen numbers of 24 percent -- I actually saw a number of 42 percent unemployment. Forty-two percent. That is the biggest joke there is in this country. … The unemployment rate is probably 20 percent, but I will tell you, you have some great economists that will tell you it's a 30, 32. And the highest I've heard so far is 42 percent.

Like your phony intelligence......The real numbers don't lie...
I agree about the unemployment numbers.
They're always fluffed.
How do you think today's numbers stack up against the Obama era numbers?
As we now both know, by this stage of my game, I’m really just egging on your brethren of nincompoops and your titular leader to both ad hominem insults and unhinged insane ramblings in bolded text with photos of simian anuses and fecal matter, respectively.

No use denying you were fooled into your first response tonight. We both have too many years into this for you to feign any awareness of my game at that point in time.
Trump's burden: Cleaning up Obama's mess
JULY 4, 2018
President Trump has chosen to unravel the last eight years of Obama's tyranny one day at a time. Trump is now reversing the negative Obama tide by si...

President Trump is unraveling eight years of Obama tyranny. Here is a little reminder why so many people now stand shoulder to shoulder with President Trump.

President Trump has chosen to unravel the last eight years of Obama's tyranny one day at a time. Trump is now reversing the negative Obama tide by simply implementing basic commonsense economic policies. The combination of this commonsense approach with tax cuts and the reversal of countless Obama executive order EPA regulations has resulted in a booming economy. Do you really think Obama cared about the middle class economically, or did he just take all of us for fools with his love of job-killing EPA regulations? These regulations did nothing but destroy American jobs and add costs to American-made products and U.S. private businesses. They had absolutely no real effect on the environment. Trump's reversal of these Obama regulations has brought back many U.S. jobs, and this has become the main contributing factor in revitalizing numerous U.S. industries.

Why would a president who cared about peace and security in the Middle East and the world recklessly remove U.S. troops from Iraq? Was Obama the Manchurian candidate? The devastating negative repercussions of Obama's removal of U.S. troops from Iraq will surely be felt for many decades. ISIS in filling up the power vacuum within the Middle East has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths. Trump has since cleaned up the ISIS mess, and it took him less than a year to do it.

Was Obama's compliance in enabling the terror state of Iran to receive 150 million dollars to basically self-regulate its nuclear program something that made the world a safer place? Thank God Trump has removed the U.S. from such a diabolical, one-sided "deal." The current uprisings in Iran might just take care of this problem. There will be no reprieve for the Iranian mullahs this time, not from President Trump.
Goodmorning Paulie Nobail. Happy Independence Day! ... oh wait. Happy MY Independence, YOUR continuing rotting in jail day. Pore, pour Paulie...
Goodmorning Alex van der Slammer. Happy American Independence Day! ... oh wait, Happy American Independence, Dutch son-in-law of Russian mobster still in prison Day! Pore, pur Alex.

Meanwhile, the Senate issued this! Did everyone see it? It make very good holiday reading, whether you're by the pool or in the slammer! ICA ASSESSMENT_FINALJULY3.pdf

Happy 4th all!