Yes. You are full of it. You just make crap up to argue. You haven't even characterized the entire discussion correctly - it started over Racist Joe's "question" whether the Dow falling off the cliff at the moment Trump announced tariffs wasn't due to "omnibus spending..."
Here's the exchange cut and pasted from just above your post:
Friesland said: ↑
Are you really claiming that tariffs and QE distort price and markets in the same way at the same rate? Ok.
Bro IZ:
I’ve actually said the exact opposite from the very beginning. Which is why you got all spooled up in the first place. Remember?
Fries said:
Uh, no. Now you're just lying.
Bruddah IZ said: ↑
Show me.
Friesland said: ↑
Uh... you just wrote it. Verbatim.
BRO IZ: "Are you really doubting that tariffs and QE effects prices and supply and demand in exactly the same way? Especially, since you consider it "first week econ 101a". You seem conflicted. I don't remember any epidemiological analogies in that first week of economics either. I somewhat agree that my point might be too broad for most. But F.A. Hayek said it best in describing economics. "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to man how little he knows about what he imagines he can design". Both QE and tariffs have repeatedly shown us how our government becomes the "con" in economics. I assume that you'll default to the, "but we need government to protect us from the ill effects of the market". That's fine, I'm for private property rights, easy taxes, and the rule of law. Both QE and tariffs obscure the law and rob the citizen of their hard earned savings and property. There is a broad explanation for what I just posted. It goes beyond fir. st we
ek econ but I started this thread with money and interest rates. You should start there and I'll be happy to provide further explanations if you require them. Laced and I had a very good conversation concerning money and how it really works.
There is not a single national economic policy that even comes close to distorting the markets like QE does. A broader conversation is needed but since you find it "too broad to be interesting or informative" you remain uninformed while some of the basics are discussed and solidified in the initial post of this thread.
Pure markets become fantasy whenever QE or tariffs are employed. The history of the negative effects of QE type monetary policy and tariffs are well documented for those who don't find economics "too broad to be interesting or informative" the real world that is."
Friesland said:
I think maybe you're just crazy.
I was right earlier - you have some weird oppositional disorder and just argue to argue... Which is fine, but I'm not really interested in the runaround.
Anyway, I'll be on the road for a while so you can argue with yourself now...
Enjoy the road and watch CNN/MSNBC melt down over the next five to seven days....
And ....wash your hands.