The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Not me fellah. You must be one of the ones who like to make stuff up. Meanwhile... CA's books are still better than a lot of states - and the Feds - at the moment. Thank god we don't have a tax-cut and spend GOP in charge. In fact, we have no GOP. Which is actually a problem. A sane, counterbalancing opposition is critical. Sadly, CA's GOP is nuts, shrinking and will soon be irrelevant at the state level. That is not a good thing. But it is where we are headed, due to racists owning the party and driving away natural allies like socially conservative latinos and Asian-Americans. But that's where we are at: the legacy of Pete Wilson and his under-the-table illegal home help, and over the top racism/xenophobia.
and yet she persisted
Not me fellah. You must be one of the ones who like to make stuff up. Meanwhile... CA's books are still better than a lot of states - and the Feds - at the moment. Thank god we don't have a tax-cut and spend GOP in charge. In fact, we have no GOP. Which is actually a problem. A sane, counterbalancing opposition is critical. Sadly, CA's GOP is nuts, shrinking and will soon be irrelevant at the state level. That is not a good thing. But it is where we are headed, due to racists owning the party and driving away natural allies like socially conservative latinos and Asian-Americans. But that's where we are at: the legacy of Pete Wilson and his under-the-table illegal home help, and over the top racism/xenophobia.

When he got elected as Mayor of SD, Pete was a bland midwestern-style good guy, the kind of guy you would want to have as your CPA or lawyer. Then someone told him he had a good chance to be President if he just shored up his right wing, and it all went to his head.

Elizabeth Warren praises communist Chinese govt...
Mexican President Loses It After Trump Says They Will Pay For Wall, Enjoy It
Politics | Saagar Enjeti

'Not now, not ever'
WOW! Wait, where's the hair on fire part? You people crack me up, all you have (to avoid the reality) is made up BS.
nono makes things up and hopes by posting them here the will come to fruition, good luck with that.
LE makes up quotes and attributes them to others so he has something to attack (well, actually you all do that in some form).
The plumber assumes what others think and acts off that.
dizzy just runs in circles chasing his tail.
. . . and you, you blow the most mundane things (usually one offs) out of proportion to make them seem catastrophic, when no else really gives a shit.

Again, you people keep me laughing every time I see your silly posts. Keep up the good work, we all need a little comic relief once in awhile . . . and you clowns really bring it!
>> ‘Roseanne’ reboot canceled: Barr blames Ambien for racist tweet, urges fans not to defend her

"Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know that ‘ABC does not tolerate comments like those’ made by Roseanne Barr," the president wrote. "Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC. Maybe I just didn’t get the call?"

The effing crybaby-in-chief is making it about himself and how mean people are to him. Hilarious, the insanity just keeps getting deeper and deeper! Pull up a chair and get the popcorn!

Even Roseanne calls her comment racist.^tfw&ref_url=
I just thought it was funny when he said it last night, he was doing to Mexico exactly what I am doing to you, Dummy.
Have a nice day and thanks for the hospitality this last weekend.
WOW! Wait, where's the hair on fire part? You people crack me up, all you have (to avoid the reality) is made up BS.
nono makes things up and hopes by posting them here the will come to fruition, good luck with that.
LE makes up quotes and attributes them to others so he has something to attack (well, actually you all do that in some form).
The plumber assumes what others think and acts off that.
dizzy just runs in circles chasing his tail.
. . . and you, you blow the most mundane things (usually one offs) out of proportion to make them seem catastrophic, when no else really gives a shit.

Again, you people keep me laughing every time I see your silly posts. Keep up the good work, we all need a little comic relief once in awhile . . . and you clowns really bring it!
4 paragraphs of stitch busting comedy. When is the last time you were at the improv.

I would think the moderate Republican's worst nightmare is a second supreme court pick. Everyone kinda gets replacing Scallia with a hard-righter. But if Trump puts another rightie tightie on there to replace a moderate, who starts striking down things like Roe v Wade, rolling back gay rights, helping destroy unions and workers rights (push down wages even further)...

Just watch the moderate Republican Senators, especially in districts with large suburban populations, will prevent this from happening.
Islam Is Incompatible with Liberty
By Amil Imani
As Islam repelled me, something about America attracted me like a powerful magnet. It was the heart and soul of America. It is called liberty. Liberty embodies the most precious treasures of humanity by encompassing seven forms of freedom that collectively make us human. Without liberty, we are simply another species of primates. Islam is anathema to each and every one of these freedoms.

Dennis Prager's Still the Best Hope succinctly lists what constitutes this overarching charter of being human. Through this book, I will present indisputable evidence proving Islam's incompatibility with them. The choice is either liberty or Islam. We can't have it both ways.

Islam Is Incompatible with Liberty