The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

First lady Melania Trump unveiled her “Be Best” campaign on Monday to encourage “positive social, emotional and physical habits” in children.

According to the Be Best website, one key facet of the initiative is to help children “avoid negative social media interaction.”

“They must choose their words wisely and speak with respect and compassion,” the site noted.

That message was in line with the first lady’s previous comments about wanting to combat bullying online. But it also left some wondering if “Be Best” should apply to President Donald Trump, who often uses Twitter to belittle critics and rivals:
Melania Trump's 'Be Best' materials have a familiar ring to them

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Melania Trump's 'Be Best' materials have a familiar ring to them

Oops, she did it again.

Supporting materials presented Monday in conjunction with Melania Trump’s “Be Best” youth initiative turn out to have been lifted from a 2014 Federal Trade Commission pamphlet.

“Certain elements may try to stretch this beyond what it is.”
~~~ Ron Ziegler, Press Secretary for President Nixon, crafting a fiction that Watergate was nothing more than a witch hunt.

Remove Maxine's " Hook " and think about
Eric Schneiderman....
Mueller's SDNY insider is out !


Apparently he made " The " guy on the right look tame.....
24 hours.... He can be the star Prosecutor in the Big Screen
version of Billions....
That's what they say . . . has she ever displayed those skills?
This false attribute associated with her is in line with the various false narratives already proven to be factually untrue. Perfectly in line with the mountain of lies about Trump’s wealth, education, physical and mental acumen.

She speaks two native languages from her childhood in Slovenia, “Slovene” and “Serbi-Croatian”. Anyone from that part of the former Yugoslavia would speak those languages.

She obviously speaks English, but it is broken and grammatically challenged at best. Quite unusual for someone who has lived in the US for so many years now.

She’s on video speaking Italian in Italy to children, but only the introductory “hello”. After that, a translator steps in. So her Italian is a fiction. German and any other “so called” languages she has never been captured speaking.

Her fluency is therefore as doctored as her college degree and attendance, her top modeling career, and her residence in the White House.

Sadly, stealing speeches, initiatives, and work product of others is not her strength either. She has no idea how quickly she’s caught each time.
Tombstone - YouTube
View attachment 2554▶ 0:10
Dec 17, 2014 - Uploaded by Micah Johnson
Make no mistake. It's not revenge he's after. It's a reckoning


This is the worst decision Trump has made since he came down the escalator surrounded pay paid actors pretending to be interested bystanders. All because of his personal contempt for Obama and his ability to deliver a well written line . . . it all goes back to the correspondents dinner and Trumps snowflake thinskin.
This false attribute associated with her is in line with the various false narratives already proven to be factually untrue. Perfectly in line with the mountain of lies about Trump’s wealth, education, physical and mental acumen.

She speaks two native languages from her childhood in Slovenia, “Slovene” and “Serbi-Croatian”. Anyone from that part of the former Yugoslavia would speak those languages.

She obviously speaks English, but it is broken and grammatically challenged at best. Quite unusual for someone who has lived in the US for so many years now.

She’s on video speaking Italian in Italy to children, but only the introductory “hello”. After that, a translator steps in. So her Italian is a fiction. German and any other “so called” languages she has never been captured speaking.

Her fluency is therefore as doctored as her college degree and attendance, her top modeling career, and her residence in the White House.

Sadly, stealing speeches, initiatives, and work product of others is not her strength either. She has no idea how quickly she’s caught each time.
She maybe new to all this lying and deceit. If she hangs out with Donald long enough (which I doubt she does, how long can a woman put up with being looked down on and laughed at?) she'll learn.
This is the worst decision Trump has made since he came down the escalator surrounded pay paid actors pretending to be interested bystanders. All because of his personal contempt for Obama and his ability to deliver a well written line . . . it all goes back to the correspondents dinner and Trumps snowflake thinskin.
I don't pretend to know all the ins and outs, but I am pretty sure if Obama and Kerry did this without congress than I am good with Trump taking it down.
Everything Obama did needs unduing.
Giving billions upon billions to terrorists that want to kill us and our closest ally is probably the dumbest thing Obama did and that is quite a list.
Do you think Iran is being up front with their program?
Why do you think it is bad idea to shut it down?
This false attribute associated with her is in line with the various false narratives already proven to be factually untrue. Perfectly in line with the mountain of lies about Trump’s wealth, education, physical and mental acumen.

She speaks two native languages from her childhood in Slovenia, “Slovene” and “Serbi-Croatian”. Anyone from that part of the former Yugoslavia would speak those languages.

She obviously speaks English, but it is broken and grammatically challenged at best. Quite unusual for someone who has lived in the US for so many years now.

She’s on video speaking Italian in Italy to children, but only the introductory “hello”. After that, a translator steps in. So her Italian is a fiction. German and any other “so called” languages she has never been captured speaking.

Her fluency is therefore as doctored as her college degree and attendance, her top modeling career, and her residence in the White House.

Sadly, stealing speeches, initiatives, and work product of others is not her strength either. She has no idea how quickly she’s caught each time.

Post PROOF of your very flimsy accusation........

I smell Jealousy, Envy and Bitterness floating up from the " Water ".....
This false attribute associated with her is in line with the various false narratives already proven to be factually untrue. Perfectly in line with the mountain of lies about Trump’s wealth, education, physical and mental acumen.

She speaks two native languages from her childhood in Slovenia, “Slovene” and “Serbi-Croatian”. Anyone from that part of the former Yugoslavia would speak those languages.

She obviously speaks English, but it is broken and grammatically challenged at best. Quite unusual for someone who has lived in the US for so many years now.

She’s on video speaking Italian in Italy to children, but only the introductory “hello”. After that, a translator steps in. So her Italian is a fiction. German and any other “so called” languages she has never been captured speaking.

Her fluency is therefore as doctored as her college degree and attendance, her top modeling career, and her residence in the White House.

Sadly, stealing speeches, initiatives, and work product of others is not her strength either. She has no idea how quickly she’s caught each time.
It’s not that tough to debunk the trumpultytes and their “fake news” narratives.
She maybe new to all this lying and deceit. If she hangs out with Donald long enough (which I doubt she does, how long can a woman put up with being looked down on and laughed at?) she'll learn.
I agree. She’s a victim. I doubt any of the fabricated and elaborate puffery was at her initiative.
I don't pretend to know all the ins and outs, but I am pretty sure if Obama and Kerry did this without congress than I am good with Trump taking it down.
Everything Obama did needs unduing.
Giving billions upon billions to terrorists that want to kill us and our closest ally is probably the dumbest thing Obama did and that is quite a list.
Do you think Iran is being up front with their program?
Why do you think it is bad idea to shut it down?
WOW! You are wrong constantly, it's a full time job showing you what they aren't telling you. There are other countries in on this as well, do you know that? Who gave billions upon billions to terrorists? Iran will cheat, but with no agreement they don't have to, they can do as they wish. Why would Kim Jong Un make a deal now after seeing this? The Europeans will stay in as they now have more economic ties with Iran one of the key pulling points designed to keep Iran honest. This makes the US look weak and unreliable in the world's eyes.
What was universally known as the Iran hostage crisis went on for more than a year,and finally ended with a bargain: In exchange for the release of 52 American diplomats and citizens, both sides agreed to resolve the question of money through international arbitration. The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal has trudged along for almost four decades now, and the money has flowed both ways. By 1983, Iran had returned $896 million to U.S. banks, which in turn had returned hundreds of millions in frozen funds to Iran. Today, private claims from the U.S. side have been resolved to the tune of $2.1 billion.

But still at issue as Obama began his second term was $400 million that Iran in the late 1970s had paid for U.S. fighter jets, while Tehran was still a U.S. ally. After it turned into an enemy in 1979, Washington was not about to deliver the jets. But, all these years later, Iran wanted its money back—and with interest.
It’s not that tough to debunk the trumpultytes and their “fake news” narratives.
Was it Jackie Kennedy that dazzled France and the World when she spoke fluent French throughout her and her husband’s trip there back in ‘62, was it?

I’m guessing someone fluent in Italian would speak Italian to a wonderful bunch of Italian kids in a Rome hospital. Maybe not.

“ CIAO !!!! ”