The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Trump supporter of the day - coal mine owner and convicted criminal Roy Blankenship of West Virginia, who, after t announced he was supporting another Republican in the upcoming Congressional primary, said that he was "Trumpier than Trump".
Trump supporter of the day - coal mine owner and convicted criminal Roy Blankenship of West Virginia, who, after t announced he was supporting another Republican in the upcoming Congressional primary, said that he was "Trumpier than Trump".
Trump endorsed the other guy.
Who's on first.
Trump supporter of the day - coal mine owner and convicted criminal Roy Blankenship of West Virginia, who, after t announced he was supporting another Republican in the upcoming Congressional primary, said that he was "Trumpier than Trump".

Trump supporter of the day - coal mine owner and convicted criminal Roy Blankenship of West Virginia, who, after t announced he was supporting another Republican in the upcoming Congressional primary, said that he was "Trumpier than Trump".
Yeah, he put coal miners out of work, facilitating their deaths by going around safety practices and then lying about it.