The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Hey, are Comey and Crooked Hillary going to be cell-mates? They’re going to jail, aren’t they?
Are any of Trump’s associates in jail? What?!
Hey losers, what’s going on with this?
President Trump Just Nominated More Judges and One is Especially Good News
Katie Pavlich | Aug 29, 2019 3:30 PM

Source: (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

President Trump has announced the nomination of additional judges to sit on the federal bench, including on the notoriously leftist Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Here's the full list, provided by the White House:

Danielle J. Hunsaker of Oregon, to serve as Circuit Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

William J. Nardini of Connecticut, to serve as Circuit Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

Fernando L. Aenlle-Rocha of California, to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the Central District of California

Adam L. Braverman of California, to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the Southern District of California

Silvia Carreno-Coll of Puerto Rico, to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico

John M. Gallagher of Pennsylvania, to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Barbara Bailey Jongbloed of Connecticut, to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut

Sandy Nunes Leal of California, to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the Central District of California

Shireen Matthews of California, to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the Southern District of California

Rick Richmond of California, to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the Central District of California

Daniel Mack Traynor of North Dakota, to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the District of North Dakota

Cory T. Wilson of Mississippi, to serve as Judge on the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi

Grant C. Jaquith of New York, to serve as Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims

Scott J. Laurer of Virginia, to serve as Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has vowed to confirm as many judicial nominees as possible by the end of the year.
Just like trump and kavanaugh, right?

Wrong. Mueller's investigation of t found a dozen or so impeachable offenses. Congress is still working on it.

Kavanaugh gave conflicting answers to similar questions in his two confirmation hearings. If the Senate goes overwhelmingly Democrat in 2020, we will hear more of that.
QUOTE="espola, post: 284618, member: 3"


Mueller's investigation of t found a
dozen or so impeachable offenses.
Really !....You want to List YOUR LIES !

Congress is still working on it.

Kavanaugh gave conflicting answers to similar questions
in his two confirmation hearings.

If the Senate goes overwhelmingly Democrat in 2020,
we will hear more of that.
It won't and YOU are a LIAR !


Spola The Original Forum Liar
QUOTE="espola, post: 284618, member: 3"


Mueller's investigation of t found a
dozen or so impeachable offenses.
Really !....You want to List YOUR LIES !

Congress is still working on it.

Kavanaugh gave conflicting answers to similar questions
in his two confirmation hearings.

If the Senate goes overwhelmingly Democrat in 2020,
we will hear more of that.
It won't and YOU are a LIAR !


Spola The Original Forum Liar
Quit your whining and crying.
August 31, 2019
The Deep State Will Face Justice Soon! Right?
By Peggy Ryan
"The check's in the mail" is a promise that payment's been sent even if it hasn't. It's a stalling tactic to avoid pressure from creditors, from those expecting payment.

That's the scam our government is running on the American people today, a ruse to tamp down expectations of justice. We all know that the FBI used an unverifiable document, the Steele dossier, to get a warrantto spy on Trump using the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). This dossier was used to start a counterintelligence operation to plant spies in Trump's campaign, to get a special counsel to impeach the president.

We're repeatedly told by reliable sources that these crimes won't go unpunished — "justice is coming," "buckle up!," "tick tock," "BOOM!" The DOJ is about to drop the hammer on the bad guys. Yet after two years of this drama, not a single indictment or prosecution

Now we're awaiting the much anticipated I.G. report on (FISA) abuse that's going to blow Spygate wide open. Or not.

So far, the I.G. is batting zero on justice. The I.G. report on Hillary Clinton's email investigation showed pervasive bias for Hillary, talk of an insurance policy should she lose, that Hillary should win "100 million to 0." Yet in the end, Horowitz pulled a Comey, said the investigators' hatred for Donald Trump, their loyalty to Hillary Clinton, didn't impact their findings in any way.
But the attempted coup has been exposed, and one by one, the Deep State cronies are going down: James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Bill Priestap, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Jim Baker, Andrew McCabe, to name a few who have retired, been fired, or been demoted.

So our message to any future insurgents who stage a coup but fail in their efforts to illegally remove a sitting president and overthrow the United States government is, "Be forewarned: treason could cost you your job." Oh, the humanity!

Well, at least former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe is paying a high price for lying and leaking. He collected over a half-million dollars on his GoFundMe site, ostensibly for his legal defense. He'll still get his government pension, has filed suit against the FBI and DOJ for firing him, wrote the ubiquitous political book trashing Trump, and has now landed a consultant gig with CNN. By damn, that'll teach him.

Sean Hannity tells us every night that Spygate will explode with declassification, with the I.G. report, or with Durham's investigation. Sean's Fox team of experts agree: the traitors are shaking in their boots because they know what's coming.

Really? Because I don't see a single traitor twitching, much less shaking. In fact, they've stepped up their sedition, increased their efforts to usurp the president. If they're scared, they're doing a bang-up job of hiding it.

Today, treason and our two-tier justice system are casually discussed as inescapable facts of today's political landscape. Heads up for those desperately trying to put the blindfold back on Lady Justice. If a layered legal system is what we have, it has nothing to do with justice — that's anarchy. And these smug criminals not only revel in their immunity, but rub our noses in it.

Take for example when Hillary Clinton literally laughed out loud at a question about her email investigation — had to wipe her eyes, she laughed so hard. She laughed at us, at America, for being so clueless as to think she'd ever answer to our laws.

And she's still laughing, because she's right: she's untouchable. The consensus is that even though we know that the first email investigation was rigged by the FBI to clear Hillary, no one will reopen the case.

"While she [Hillary] may never face justice in a court of law, perhaps losing the presidency is a more prescient and proper punishment."

Well, of course, losing a presidential election is far more devastating than wasting away in a prison cell.

Then we have that pathetic excuse for a human being, James Comey, gloating over the I.G. report that issued a verbal slap on the wrist for his infractions.

Comey: "And to all those who've spent two years talking about me 'going to jail' or being a 'liar and a leaker' — ask yourselves why you still trust people who gave you bad info for so long, including the president."

But no worries: Comey will pay when the FISA abuse report comes out.

Or not: Washington insiders are now foreshadowing immunity for the entire cabal, saying that, "sadly," these lawbreakers probably won't be prosecuted. That's not sad; it's terrifying. If we can't indict and prosecute these clowns who have conspired to overthrow our government, who have committed the most egregious political crime in history, then stick a fork in our Republic. We're done.

But what can we do? Actually, this whole strung out Spygate nightmare is an exercise to ensure we do nothing. Washington isn't a swamp; it's a sewer, and the rats that inhabit it are never going to allow their comrades to be indicted.

So why would our government strive to calm the masses rather than prosecute the traitors? Because if the real bad guys are locked up, there would be a cataclysmic backlash from the three families of the Washington mafia. The media would squeal like stuck pigs. Those are their guys, after all. Congress would lash out, threaten mutiny; they hardly have clean hands. And the Deep State would gnash their teeth and fight like a wounded animal as they would metaphorically die should justice prevail.

But such resistance is not a reason to avoid justice; it's the reason to pursue it. What the media, Congress, and the Deep State have in common is, they're all just people. And if people hold authority over the law, we have tyranny.

Then a sailor, Kristian Saucier, who takes a picture on a submarine goes to prison while a Washington power broker, Hillary Clinton, who intentionally exposes America's most closely guarded secrets goes to the Hamptons.

Or a respected general, Michael Flynn, who served honorably for 30 years might be forced to plead guilty to a crime he didn't commit while a connected insider, James Comey, who publicly lied under oath, bragged about leaking classified information, goes on a book tour.

That's why our Founding Fathers setup "a government of laws, and not of men," as John Adams put it.

Attribution: Getty Images
They are monsters.
Trump, Barr pack asylum appeals court with hardliners
Aug 30, 2019 9:42am PDT by Joan McCarter, Daily Kos Staff
While Mitch McConnell and fellow Republicans are promising scorched earth if Democrats try to correct the imbalance of Trump appointees in the federal courts, Trump and his toad-like toady Attorney General William Barr are packing the administrative courts overseeing immigration claims with men in their own mold: namely, white supremacists. Their aim appears to be to deny as many claims as possible as quickly as possible, with due process no longer existing in this system.

Last year, the administration increased the Board of Immigration Appeals from 17 members to 21. These are administrative law judges within the executive branch, not subject to Senate approval. Since then, Barr has added William Cassidy and Earle Wilson. From 1993 to 1999, his first six years as an immigration judge, "Cassidy rejected more asylum seekers than any judge in the nation." Wilson recently beat Cassidy's record. From 2013 to 2018, the average rate of asylum claim approval among judges was 45%. Cassidy's rage was 4.2% and Wilson's 1.9%. The average for the six new judges Barr and Trump have put on the board that considers appeals is less than 20%.

That's one part of Trump's and Barr's attack on the asylum system and immigration courts. They've moved to get rid of the immigration judges' union because it has been critical of Trump's policies. They have also implemented new rules, one that "gives the head of the immigration courts, a political appointee, the power to decide appeals if judges do not hear them quickly enough," and a second that "gives board members more authority to summarily deny appeals without issuing a full opinion."

Cassidy is the judge that decided to deport Mark Lyttle, a U.S. citizen who doesn't speak Spanish, to Mexico in 2008. Immigration attorney Glenn Fogle said in 2001 that "You could have Anne Frank in front of [Cassidy] and he would say it was implausible that she could have hidden in the house for years and not be caught."

He hasn't changed his assessment, describing to Mother Jones a recent hearing in which Cassidy rejected the claim of a Congolese client who had been tortured and had the scars on his back to prove it. The hearing was conducted over an aging video system and Cassidy said he couldn’t see the scars, so he denied the claim. In 2010, one of Cassidy's asylum denials was overturned because he'd written his ruling before the hearing had even happened.

Cassidy also showed up once in another judge's courtroom, wearing his robes, and proceeded to tell that judge how to handle the hearing. In 2016, Cassidy said an immigrant coming to the border was like "a person coming to your home in a Halloween mask, waving a knife dripping with blood." Fogle also recounted another hearing with Cassidy, when he was representing a former Ethiopian official. "As he was telling his story, Fogle remembers, Cassidy jumped up, turned off the court's audio recorder, and yelled, 'Bullshit!'"

"That's the guy that's going to be adjudicating appeals from other immigration judges," says Fogle, along with six more who have been elevated precisely because they apparently don't believe in immigration. Cassidy appears to be the worst, but Wilson's no treat either, with a pattern of appearing to fall asleep while asylum seekers testify. "In one case, according to an observer from Emory University’s law school, Wilson leaned back with his eyes closed for 23 minutes as an asylum seeker described the murder of her parents and siblings."

That's as symbolic as you can get for an administration turning a blind eye toward desperate people seeking refuge. Unfortunately, it’s not just turning a blind eye: It’s inflicting willful harm.
Wrong. Mueller's investigation of t found a dozen or so impeachable offenses. Congress is still working on it.

Kavanaugh gave conflicting answers to similar questions in his two confirmation hearings. If the Senate goes overwhelmingly Democrat in 2020, we will hear more of that.
Were hrc and Comeys impeachable? Is impeachable illegal?
Interesting report from Boston's straight pride day - the movement must have a broad foundation, because the parade included people with Israeli flags and others who insisted that Jews faked the Holocaust story.