Hilarious. Narcissism drives the democratic leadership now. Look at who they choose as leaders. Only a narcissist would actually believe they are chosen based merit. It’s completely lacking in self-awareness to have his feelings hurt that he was pushed out considering, as you state, how he was installed by the party elites and shamelessly promoted by legacy media when it looked like Bernie was going to win the nomination in 2020. Evidently, Bernie wasn’t easy to control and/or the party elites believed Bernie wouldn’t beat Trump. Also, he got replaced by Harris! She never earned anything - including an elector. Dude, it’s not about what you deserved. You never deserved any of it. It’s not sad, it’s pathetic.I don't find it sad. Why do you? I think he's been an arrogant prick his entire career. He never would have been the nominee if the DNC had figured out a way to get Bernie or Pete elected. They grabbed Pedo Joe from the middle of the line and pushed him to the front. He'd already lost multiple times and wound up believing his own hype. He's made his family wealthy, with means we may never find out about, and kept himself and his dirty ass son out of jail.
Now he has the audacity to act betrayed?
100%Also, he got replaced by Harris! She never earned anything - including an elector. Dude, it’s not about what you deserved. You never deserved any of it. It’s not sad, it’s pathetic.
Speaking of... is Jorge out of jail yet? Haven't heard Cromwell's name in awhile, either.100%
It's also how some of YNT lists are put together. Daddy pays the Doc and then his daughter gets picked. Being picked for The List= Full ride in college, worth over $250K.
Oh, wait, there's more. Mommy and daddy pays UCLA coach $200,000 for roster spots, one for the men's team and one for the women's team. A twofer pays double.
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I can kinda side with you on that but I don't feel like he was ever a good guy. I don't think Bernie "Magoo" Sanders is a bad guy. I think he's just got some odd theories that aren't practical. If it was him you were talking about, I get it.I find it sad that he's been propped up by the party to be a sacrificial pawn in a progressive game of chess and propped up by his family for their own personal financial gain and notoriety. He had very little clue of what he was actually saying in his farewell speech, and do you think he had a clue of who he was pardoning and commutating other than Hunter? He's so delusional at this point that he thinks he could have beaten Trump.
I'm not absolving him of personal responsibility, but he's been dragged around like a brain damaged puppy. It's also sad for our country that it came to this.
Dirt bag 100%I can kinda side with you on that but I don't feel like he was ever a good guy. I don't think Bernie "Magoo" Sanders is a bad guy. I think he's just got some odd theories that aren't practical. If it was him you were talking about, I get it.
I feel like Biden has always been a dirtbag.
It seems that on the Democrat side, their candidates are selected more so than elected. The candidates are a place holder, Trojan horse, empty suit for a certain liberal platform. Biden, Harris, Bass are perfect examples of this. Republicans used to be more that way until Trump broke the mold.Hilarious. Narcissism drives the democratic leadership now. Look at who they choose as leaders. Only a narcissist would actually believe they are chosen based merit. It’s completely lacking in self-awareness to have his feelings hurt that he was pushed out considering, as you state, how he was installed by the party elites and shamelessly promoted by legacy media when it looked like Bernie was going to win the nomination in 2020. Evidently, Bernie wasn’t easy to control and/or the party elites believed Bernie wouldn’t beat Trump. Also, he got replaced by Harris! She never earned anything - including an elector. Dude, it’s not about what you deserved. You never deserved any of it. It’s not sad, it’s pathetic.
Oh, and you forgot lying. That’s the only thing consistent about him in his career, other than he used his position to enrich his family and the big guy. If he grew up in Russia, he’d have aspired to be Putin.
AC didn't like my daughter's fun attitude at her tryout in 2018. 100% AC saw that you can't groom my kid. You just can't. Regarding Jesus, I told both of my kids I would not groom them or bribed them to get baptized. My sweet, adopted mother bribed me to get baptized as a Mormon in 1974. I worked with youth in my past life and I can say 99% of the kids who got baptized did it to get their parents off their back, or for a car and be in good standing with dad and mom. A few did it so they wouldn't go to hell. Not a good way to start a relationship with Christ. Western Christianity is a big mess and full of division and those who think they right and the others are wrong.Speaking of... is Jorge out of jail yet? Haven't heard Cromwell's name in awhile, either.
Oh wait! Check this out. Do you dare to transform yourself? LMFAO! "What is your why"? Jesus Christ. I thought Zig Ziglar died 20 years ago. Um, my "why" would be something like... "why the fuck did you and Jorge reach the mountain top and sell your souls?"
Dare to Transform with Cromwell Coaching
Discover your why and unlock your inner courage with Amanda Cromwell Coaching. Achieve personal growth and reach your full potential.amandacromwell.com
Not a fan of the Crue, or heavy metal for the most part, but in the early 90's I went along with some work colleagues to a Crue concert in Mobile, Alabama (we were working out of town). They put on a helluva a rock show and the fans were just crazy (12,000 seat arena with festival seating). I never seen so many 2-door pick ups with gun racks and confederate flags.Crush, because it's Friday and I'm certain you were a Crue fan at one point, I'm posting this. Everyone needs a good laugh on Fridays.
Someone should proofread the moronic statements these dems are making. Trump's family separation policy? What is he even talking about? Is there a single criminal going to jail that isn't separated from their family?
I was a mild fan back before they turned into thieves back in the early 90's. That said, can't be a ton of entertainment options in Mobile.Not a fan of the Crue, or heavy metal for the most part, but in the early 90's I went along with some work colleagues to a Crue concert in Mobile, Alabama (we were working out of town). They put on a helluva a rock show and the fans were just crazy (12,000 seat arena with festival seating). I never seen so many 2-door pick ups with gun racks and confederate flags.