T 2.0

The joke is on him because he's getting 4 more years of Trump interviews.
. . . and even you seem to realize the inane and inconsequential nature of trumps answers. You seem to see trump as a popcorn fart that signs off on conservative policy whether he can comprehend it or not . . . AND OH YEAH! You can say you “OWN” fellow Americans with some slightly differing opinions. Aka you can classify “others” as the problem freeing yourself to feel immune to any even minir criticism. Well done! Guilt free! Entitled! And now presumably able to claim the high ground becoming the ruling class, the societal police, the Shepard, the judge, the jury to the sinful masses. Good luck with all that.
. . . and even you seem to realize the inane and inconsequential nature of trumps answers. You seem to see trump as a popcorn fart that signs off on conservative policy whether he can comprehend it or not . . . AND OH YEAH! You can say you “OWN” fellow Americans with some slightly differing opinions. Aka you can classify “others” as the problem freeing yourself to feel immune to any even minir criticism. Well done! Guilt free! Entitled! And now presumably able to claim the high ground becoming the ruling class, the societal police, the Shepard, the judge, the jury to the sinful masses. Good luck with all that.
Well, your alphabet mafia team is always fluid when it comes to labeling the "underserved". He changed his tune on freebies, mmm... about 2 months before the election, because he REALLY wants a future in politics, so you have to dig just a shade deeper... but here's one. It specifically mentions "universal healthcare for . My favorite part? "Gov. Gavin Newsom is proposing to extend Medi-Cal coverage to all low-income, undocumented adults, a historic expansion that would make California the first state in the nation to provide universal health care access for all residents regardless of legal status. The plan is included in Newsom’s $286 billion state budget proposal, which is flush with a projected $45.7 billion surplus." You remember when Slick was bragging about the "surplus", right?

Read more at: https://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/article257190612.html#storylink=cpy

Allow me to condense the conversation so far that began with "Low income housing for illegal aliens in Malibu. Yeah..."--

- In January 2025, Newsom promised the State of California would mandate affordable housing in the rebuilding after the Pacific Palisades fire.

- In April 2021, Biden suggested that Federal Government officers stop using the t-era term "illegal aliens", offering other terms such as “undocumented noncitizen” and “undocumented individual” instead.

- In January 2022, Newsom proposed extending Medi-Cal (jointly funded by the California and US governments) to "undocumented adults".

I'm not sure I agree with you 100% on your historian work there, Lou. (paraphrasing Marge Gunderson, nee Olmstead) You're jumping out of sequence.

So --- once they have universal healthcare, they can afford to live in Malibu?

. . . and even you seem to realize the inane and inconsequential nature of trumps answers. You seem to see trump as a popcorn fart that signs off on conservative policy whether he can comprehend it or not . . . AND OH YEAH! You can say you “OWN” fellow Americans with some slightly differing opinions. Aka you can classify “others” as the problem freeing yourself to feel immune to any even minir criticism. Well done! Guilt free! Entitled! And now presumably able to claim the high ground becoming the ruling class, the societal police, the Shepard, the judge, the jury to the sinful masses. Good luck with all that.
Did you use a bunch of hand gestures when you typed this? It really adds a dramatic flair when you do that (according to Gavin).
Navy Seals Support Pete and will march to show their support. espola mocks this hero and perfect man for the job.


The march is being organized by Navy SEAL veteran Bill Brown, who also organizes the yearly NYC Seal Swim — which Hegseth, a combat veteran, has taken part of in support of Navy SEALs. Robert Sweetman’s 62romeo organization is co-organizing.

“The SEAL March for Pete Hegseth and attendance at hearing demonstrates strong and unwavering support from the warrior class for Pete Hegseth as he moves forward with his confirmation to become Secretary of Defense,” a press release for the event said.
. . . and even you seem to realize the inane and inconsequential nature of trumps answers. You seem to see trump as a popcorn fart that signs off on conservative policy whether he can comprehend it or not . . . AND OH YEAH! You can say you “OWN” fellow Americans with some slightly differing opinions. Aka you can classify “others” as the problem freeing yourself to feel immune to any even minir criticism. Well done! Guilt free! Entitled! And now presumably able to claim the high ground becoming the ruling class, the societal police, the Shepard, the judge, the jury to the sinful masses. Good luck with all that.
Are you mad you lost the moral high ground on November 5th?
Allow me to condense the conversation so far that began with "Low income housing for illegal aliens in Malibu. Yeah..."--

- In January 2025, Newsom promised the State of California would mandate affordable housing in the rebuilding after the Pacific Palisades fire.

- In April 2021, Biden suggested that Federal Government officers stop using the t-era term "illegal aliens", offering other terms such as “undocumented noncitizen” and “undocumented individual” instead.

- In January 2022, Newsom proposed extending Medi-Cal (jointly funded by the California and US governments) to "undocumented adults".

I'm not sure I agree with you 100% on your historian work there, Lou. (paraphrasing Marge Gunderson, nee Olmstead) You're jumping out of sequence.

So --- once they have universal healthcare, they can afford to live in Malibu?

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No, I'm not jumping out of sequence. I tried to explain to you how and when it became racist to call them illegal aliens... which they are. Slick Willy is on video saying they need to be deported. So is his cankled wife. Even Obama, who built the cages separating families, wanted them deported. But I guess when Trump won the first time, libtards had to find a new angle. "I know! If we say it's racist to make them prove who they are, we can start working on letting them vote in local elections and then... VOILA! All we have to do it... hmm... get them to the U.S."

So good luck drumming up affordable housing for illegal aliens. I think working, taxpaying Americans are finally understanding the game. These are the same leaders that sent $750 to working, taxpaying Americans in North Carolina. So, if we sent these illegal aliens the fuck back where they came from, it wouldn't be an issue. They don't support themselves, so I'm wondering why YOU or anyone else supports them being here. And don't tell me it's because you have a big heart or concern about jobs Americans won't do. I understand why democrats support them but they do it with tax dollars we don't have to win elections they shouldn't be voting in. We're already busy supporting 2 wars you said Trump would get us in and a bunch of college deadbeats.

So as for the historian work I did, it included references. Not as solid as your 'wiki' and 'facebook' rants, but damn close.
As you may know by now, I prefer to deal in complete sentences, so here is a link to the complete transcript of t's recent sentencing --

" Under all the circumstances of this case, its unique posture, and the defendant's status as president-elect, The People recommend a sentence of an unconditional discharge."
As you may know by now, I prefer to deal in complete sentences, so here is a link to the complete transcript of t's recent sentencing --

" Under all the circumstances of this case, its unique posture, and the defendant's status as president-elect, The People recommend a sentence of an unconditional discharge."
Like coo-coo?
As you may know by now, I prefer to deal in complete sentences, so here is a link to the complete transcript of t's recent sentencing --

- In April 2021, Biden suggested that Federal Government officers stop using the t-era term "illegal aliens", offering other terms such as “undocumented noncitizen” and “undocumented individual” instead.

View attachment 24473
2 questions for you. Try to keep up.

1. You prefer to deal in complete sentences yet still can't bring yourself to use a "T". Did I get that right?

2. "Illegal aliens" was a term coined while Trump was in office? It was never common-usage before that? What planet have you been living on? (Second question was rhetorical.)

I'll answer for you since I know you're incapable of answering direct questions from any of us. Here we go...
