T 2.0

You do realize he's talking to you and Sunshine? Roger is a conservative..

Please continue.. both of you. 😆 🤣
It's the End of the Line for those two losers. EOTL is no more. My fact checkers are long gone and soon we will all be free from these lunatics losers.

I dedicate this song to Fudd and Sunshine

Watty comes on here last night and calls me a regular liar. More untruths for everyone to read. I love you all, I really do. I'm a super forgiving guy but I want and expect justice at Camp Justice.

Flights are now taking off to GITMO. Only one-way flights to GITMO, sorry no round trips on this trip. This will be the last place some people will spend on earth until they meet Father to give an answer for their deeds on earth. It could be a good place to mediate and look for peace & forgiveness.
