T 2.0

Satanists in Kansas are planning to hold a “Black Mass” ritual at the state capitol in Topeka later this month to dedicate the grounds to the “glory of Satan.”
It’s pretty obvious what’s going on. The D’s are regularly putting forward candidates who are not only inarticulate, but also not well-informed. This accomplishes two things - supporting DEI objectives, but that is actually the second most important “qualification”. The first is that they need someone who is ambitious, but not too bright so that they are easily manipulated.

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I see espola
Buckle up and don't put your hope in the money scam that the money masters put in place before all of us were born. However, our ancestors worked their asses off and risked their life to be free and build this country though hard working sweat, blood and tears. Now it's time to take it back from thieves. Black, white, gay, straight, Asian, Latino and all those in between, it's time to come together for the sake of peace.

And strawman. No one here argues that adults shouldn’t be able to transition.
Transition all you want after you turn 18. Find a quack to cut off your balls and move right along into the life you chose. No man with balls is a woman, period and end of debate. My pal told me if one cuts off his pee pee, then you are now a eunuch, not a lady. These people are sick and somehow got control of the world. How the hell does that happen🤔

In the Bible, "eunuch" (Hebrew: saris, Greek: eunoukos) can refer to a castrated male, a natural or medically infertile male, or even a chamberlain/officia