T 2.0

He is causing chaos... but what else was he going to do? This is shit he promised to do during his first term. Liberals are worried about the markets being hurt. These are the same people that didn't give a rat's ass about Americans living paycheck to paycheck spending 20%-25% more for groceries, utilities, etc. for 4-years. Apparently they were too busy defending trans flags. Now, 1 month in, the sky is falling and, oh... those damned Tesla people finding billions of dollars in waste and bribes. Let's vandalize their cars.

Can't stomach the bullshit.
I'm hoping that these are just withdrawal symptoms from cutting off the waste. Yes, he was elected for these reasons, but good ideas need to be applied correctly. His plans are more long term, but public opinion is short term. What I don't want to happen is for him to burn it down and then not get the opportunity to build it back up.

Yes, the Democrats are losing their shit. For some reason, all these liberal posts (like Occupy Democrats) show up on my Facebook news feed. The Dem's literally want him to die. One post that has 100k likes is wishing that SpaceX would do the maintenance on Air Force One. At this point the Dems policies are limited to Trump failing, Trump dying, Tesla failing, and boycotting Target.
I'm hoping that these are just withdrawal symptoms from cutting off the waste. Yes, he was elected for these reasons, but good ideas need to be applied correctly. His plans are more long term, but public opinion is short term. What I don't want to happen is for him to burn it down and then not get the opportunity to build it back up.

Yes, the Democrats are losing their shit. For some reason, all these liberal posts (like Occupy Democrats) show up on my Facebook news feed. The Dem's literally want him to die. One post that has 100k likes is wishing that SpaceX would do the maintenance on Air Force One. At this point the Dems policies are limited to Trump failing, Trump dying, Tesla failing, and boycotting Target.
Because many of them are going to GITMO
Trump is the boss. He's always winning and how on earth does Trump always win. Now comes pain, punishment and justice.

Watch this. They all have to submit to Trump, because Trump is in charge because God called him to this insane task to take down the slave masters. He's Cyrus, I guess. No one can stop what is coming, not even Trump. Check out project looking glass. It's happening. This is the greatest time to be alive if you believe in truth, fairness and merit. If you lived off cheating others, killing people and lying, your days will soon be over. Good luck everyone. Pope does not look happy, and the girls are dressed for a funeral.

He is causing chaos... but what else was he going to do? This is shit he promised to do during his first term. Liberals are worried about the markets being hurt. These are the same people that didn't give a rat's ass about Americans living paycheck to paycheck spending 20%-25% more for groceries, utilities, etc. for 4-years. Apparently they were too busy defending trans flags. Now, 1 month in, the sky is falling and, oh... those damned Tesla people finding billions of dollars in waste and bribes. Let's vandalize their cars.

Can't stomach the bullshit.
Their insincerity is transparent for those with minds that work. If Trump’s administration is responsible, it’s bad. If it’s bad, it’s Trump’s fault. Oh, and he’s Hitler and we didn’t vote for Musk. What do they stand for? War in Ukraine? The “unauditable” processes for elections and the spending of taxpayer funds? The incoherent babbling from Crockett, AOC, and Pocahontas certainly show their commitment to DEI at the expense of competence. The left is a shit show right now. A violent shit show with the violence supported by our tax dollars. If only they were capable of feeling shame.
If only they were capable of feeling shame.
Most of the one's the left reports to are not 100% human. Their dark entities that blend in with us. I know this is far fetch from what we all were taught in our slave schools, but these monsters live off our fear. I think espola is one of them. They have ZERO ability to feel. They have no shame and live off lying to us, with fear bait and then laugh at us as they & them drink all night and their freak offs.
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