Turn around is fair play. What comes around goes around. Boomerang anyone? Be careful what you wish for, remember. Listen up folks. I lost everything and got fired economically for saying, "hell no," to the jabs. 95% took the jabs out of fear of dying, fear of being fired and having to find a new job that can cover the cost of living in South OC with a stay home wife. Maybe wife wanted you to take the jabs and you did because. Look man, I get it and if my wife told me it was safe & effective, I probably would have taken a jab or two myself. I'm not here to judge you, just to wake your ass up. Come on you guys, you now see what I see and so many others have warned you about. We were born and live in a swamp with real swamp creatures. Some of the creatures are fallen Angels, demons, bloodline of Cain, child hunters, killers, rapists, liars, cheaters, killers, Pedos, men who think their women and all those WHO They & Them bought, bribed and blackmailed. Do you see what I see? Now the tables have been turned. Drip, drip, drip every day is what's instore for those facing justice. GITMO is open for business. Pay for play only worked for those with the control of the devil's purse and were witnessing where "IT" had its purse. U SAID what crush? Yup, the devil's purse was at USAID and DOGE sniffed it out for us. One of the DOGE dudes named, "Big Balls" found Satan's purse. We the people took down Satan's purse. That is huge.