T 2.0

Kids, this is a mental illness and will be criminal soon. This is not healthy for little kids to see men dressed up as girls. It confuses the little kids. I'm still SMFH that fathers on here like EOTL, espola and Husker Du think this is just fine and dandy.

Trump order pledges to prosecute teachers, admins for 'facilitating' gender confusion in kids ....


I'm hearing some rumor mill grapevine intel that the MTFs in the military are fucking pissed off at Trump and everyone who doesn't agree that a man can be a lady. These men are now throwing hissy fits like Husker Du and have decided to seek revenge. Connect the dots folks.

... and the price of MY eggs hasn't come down yet like tRUMP promised!
If you want free range, organic and healthy eggs without bird flu, the eggs are $14+ for a dozen of fresh eggs. Bird flu eggs were under $5. Good luck everyone. These freaks will not go away quietly. They & Them will tell their DEI piolets to do the unthinkable. What do the They & Thems get in heaven for suicide reward? I know some groups that follow their leaders are promised 7 virgins.
Meet Joe who thinks he's Josephine and fly's a Blackhawk for a living.

Joe: I am Gurl

Normal person: No, you are a man who has mental illness

Joe: Oh ya, let's just see about that

I know espola and Husker Du are mad and angry that this young man is being taken off the streets of Boston after being released from the Biden Crime Family after a rape conviction.

Buh bye........

ICE Arrests Salvadoran Illegal in Sanctuary City of Boston After Being Released Despite Rape Charge, Deportation Order​

Yeah, I heard this one isn't real. Having said that, somebody mentioned something about that airport being understaffed with traffic controllers and that may wind up being the more interesting story this weekend.

I sound like this United States hater now... "somebody did something..."

Yeah, I heard this one isn't real. Having said that, somebody mentioned something about that airport being understaffed with traffic controllers and that may wind up being the more interesting story this weekend.

I sound like this United States hater now... "somebody did something..."

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That seems to be the prevailing theory. I've heard some "experts" claiming that its not unusual for a single controller to be handling both plane and helicopter traffic at the same time, in some circumstances. While it may not be unusual, that doesn't sound like a "best practice".

Now they're saying that the helicopter made an abrupt change in altitude.

I think that there will be plenty of information of available and the truth will come out. I wouldn't have been so hopeful with the prior administration.
That seems to be the prevailing theory. I've heard some "experts" claiming that its not unusual for a single controller to be handling both plane and helicopter traffic at the same time, in some circumstances. While it may not be unusual, that doesn't sound like a "best practice".

Now they're saying that the helicopter made an abrupt change in altitude.

I think that there will be plenty of information of available and the truth will come out. I wouldn't have been so hopeful with the prior administration.
Also a lot of receipts about being understaffed with ATCers since last year.
Rumor mill can be a bitch online Squishy. So much disinformation. Remember when the 51 spies who lied to us and said Hunters Laptop from hell was bullshit? President Trump said that the Helicopter had some human issue on that clear night. I saw a very clear video today and it looked clear to me that whoever was flying the Blackhawk made it a missile on a mission. I can tell you 100% the MTFs are mad for being discharged. Now they & them know what it's like to be fired. All those who said no to the jabs got replaced by the MTFS. Now we got MTFs flying commercial airplanes, Blackhawks, teaching the kids in class and of course drag queen Storytime at the library.
P.S. Squishy, my pal's son performs at drag queen shows up in Seattle. He loves it and you must be 21 to enter. He thinks Drag Queen play time should only be with adults 18 and over and if booze is involved, then the adult must be 21. That is fair and freedom. No children17 and under allowed.