T 2.0

A win for truth and transparency. “If it weren’t for the election of Trump, the truth might never have come out.”

View attachment 24782
From the articles I read, the CIA didn't have any new information to come to this conclusion. They just finally admitted to what everyone else has known for a long time.

Unlike SARS where the virus was found in Civets, there has been no population found of source animals with Covid. Not sure why the left as a whole was so determined to propagate the natural origin narrative. Fauci obviously had personal and professional interest in doing so, but why the Democratic Party as a whole?
We had Docs taking some kickback side hustle $$$$ from Dad for "all access" in youth soccer, so this is no surprise.

Pfizer Fined $60 Million Over Kickbacks Paying Doctors to Push Drugs onto Patients

From the articles I read, the CIA didn't have any new information to come to this conclusion. They just finally admitted to what everyone else has known for a long time.

Unlike SARS where the virus was found in Civets, there has been no population found of source animals with Covid. Not sure why the left as a whole was so determined to propagate the natural origin narrative. Fauci obviously had personal and professional interest in doing so, but why the Democratic Party as a whole?
What do sheep do? They certainly don’t think for themselves.
I'm going to apply for an at-home job with Vandelay Industries, proposing that they expand their latex trade to include importing Finnish forest rakes. MOFCA, Baby! (Make Our Forests Clean Again)

View attachment 24737
Lookie, Fudd... Gavin the wife stealer says L.A. gets most of its water from local sources. You think he's ever driven down I5 and seen this? I've yet to see it flowing in a northerly direction. Now that you're a NorCal guy, maybe you can confirm? I sure hope the Smelt will be okay.

That makes the two of us the same because I find your nonsense so funny I laugh. 7 yeas of losing to me is fun to watch. Tell Du Du to answer my question and I will be more than happy to answer your stupid questions. WHO do you have on your 2028 Presidential Card? I think Trump will get another 4 years.
Logic of t-tariffs --

What’s that sound? Oh! Another win!

View attachment 24789
I think everyone who was fired for saying no should get back pay + interest + 5 years' worth of job pay. Those whose businesses were destroyed by Covid 19 BS with, "rules for then, but not for thee" should get 10 years' worth of profit from tax yea4 2019. Plus punitive damages. They should be able to retire and then volunteer 4 hours a day working for the Government by going out and helping others in need. It's a win, win for everyone.
In response to Trump’s order, Tara Gallegos, a spokesperson for Newsom, told Reuters that “Trump is either unaware of how water is stored in California or is deliberately misleading the public.”

It's not Trump's job to know how it works. It's his job to take care of our 50 states and, since libtard leadership didn't do it, he did.

Did you think a spokesperson for Newsom was going to be honest and blame Gavin?