I want them to pull their head out of their ass and make decisions to solve the problems they have created like outdoor sports being ignored resulting in about 100k of people traveling every weekend to play sports and playing outdoor sports in indoor facilities that is currently on the rise.
I want them to look at the zip codes of where the spike in cases are, look at what has been learned in other states where there was no restriction on a given activity, and weigh the risk of death now (has decreased by 30% since beginning) to the overall impact resulting from restriction decisions. Maybe they should call in some business analysts to help them with decision trees because they obviously lack the basics.
I want them to stop making decisions as if there is no information available.
I want them to stop with the blanket restrictions and restrict where the risk is identified.
There are alternatives they just lack the experience or organizational structure to accomplish it.
What you are saying is that you are tired of a government entity not being able to do anything beyond prepare an impressively detailed power point slide. That power point slide neatly lays out a theoretical plan, dreamt up by some person in a basement somewhere and approved by a conglomerate of woefully incapable and overpaid government employees.
Tax payer dollars at work.