I understand Cal South's preference is to keep the complexes used as centralized as possible, provided field quality is acceptable.
Lancaster is being avoided "if possible" because of very, very, very poor field conditions, travel is difficult and results in significant complaints and the management of Lancaster (which includes the City) don't understand what it takes to maintain fields. Its overused and under-maintained. The City of Lancaster will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars of economic impacts because they have their heads up their "you know whats." CalSouth tried to help, but Lancaster will only get worse until changes are made.
Coachella fulfills a need, large multi-purpose fields that are not great, but OK enough. This facility is simply an over-flow facility because its not up to standard compared to the other facilities.
San Bernardino Soccer Complex. You obviously have not been to San Bernardino Soccer Complex recently. In the words of:
Quite frankly, of all the complexes in SoCal, San Bernardino probably looks and plays the best at this time of the year, because the fields are over-seeded and professionally maintained by
World Sports, a company with experience in World Cup, MLS and NFL fields. SBSC has also began addressing some historical problems, a facility with inadequate parking. They are now parking on the grass for the youngers to accommodate all the cars. Where SBSC begins to go down hill is when the over-seeded ryegrass dies back (with heat) and multiple varieties of summer grass try to grow (June-October).
Concerning the other fields:
Oceanside and Del Mar - Below the "border" checkpoint, creates massive headaches for teams with parents that may not have their papers, which is why you see many Hispanic teams take buses of players and coaches (parents avoid going this far south). Oceanside also has a maintenance problem, significant thatch problem (last spring) due to lack of maintenance, dangerous and spongy fields. Del Mar is significantly better.
Galway Downs - Maintenance is suffering and fields are rock hard (compressed). Slowly dying due to mismanagement. Was there over the summer and shocked how bad it was. Parking on dirt and porta-potty solution sucks.
Silverlakes - not overseeded, but fields painted/dyed. Nothing wrong with putting Endurant (or competitor) down. Still best complex out there.