State Cup Venues

I am curious to know as well if there is an official communication on this. It would be for youngers only I assume.
Probably - but feasibly they could get it done for olders too. It would just mean that high school tournaments and scrimmages would have to wait a while.
Start the club league season a week early (yep. Over Labor Day). Maybe even 2 weeks early. Have state and national cup all start the 2nd weekend of November. Wrap it up the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Why not make state cup so that teams need to qualify in order to participate? And make it free for teams that qualify. I see a team that won every game last year not going to state cup but another team that only won half their games going because the other team had money.
Why not make state cup so that teams need to qualify in order to participate? And make it free for teams that qualify. I see a team that won every game last year not going to state cup but another team that only won half their games going because the other team had money.

Interesting idea. The local leagues (Presidio, CSL, et al.) could collect a small amount from each team in a circuit, and the winner in regular season would get a small pot of money to help with State Cup entry fees, in whatever Division was appropriate.
how About every team in cal south gets free entrance into state cup so teams aren’t left out.....oh I forgot if it doesn’t make a profit it doesn’t make sense even though every club preaches it’s about the kids lol
As much as I would like to dream that they move it up. There's not a chance they move up the schedule. The main reason being that you need 3 weeks to complete any bracket in Nov you run into Thanksgiving week and 4 weeks later you run into Xmas.

Then you are moving the regular season up which runs into tournament season during the summer. Imagine the disappointment not being able to play in all of them over the summer :eek:
It’s going to take the higher ups in each club to make a stand and not do state cup to hurt cal souths wallet if any change is ever going to come. I wouldn’t mind if a few tournaments were cut out any way. Way too many tournaments in my opinion
Daughter's games were just moved to Coachella for the 23rd for presidents apparently San Bernadino due to scheduling conflicts;)
Daughter's games were just moved to Coachella for the 23rd for presidents apparently San Bernadino due to scheduling conflicts;)

State & national cup are huge $$$ makers for CS.

Cheap fields out in the sticks is one way they maximize those profits, they could care less that families are driving 100+ miles, spending 2hrs each way just to get to the game, and paying $10 to park in the dirt. When you multiple all the time & costs by all the families involved it's actually thousands of dollars per game which is really crazy for young kids sports.

Regional play should be local, if a team is good enough to make it out of regionals, they could travel to play in a area tournament in the same County. If they win area yeah go play state cup, that would be across counties. But CS does this backwards and leaves families traveling across counties right away, why you ask...$$$.