Some data on Covid-19 and why we're not over reacting...

1. china is a bad place to compare. mortality rate is significantly different, its pretty obvious why (healthcare system, rural areas, etc) Even with using china as an example, I'm glad you see its not as serious as previous outbreaks and no where near as serious as the media claims.

2. I never blamed Obama. I blamed the media. I'm just awestruck that people have such a short term memory of the outbreak in 2009. That we didn't have a lockdown and it spread significantly more and killed significantly more. 80% of the infected were under 65 which is people in school and workforce. Cant you see the media is handling this the complete opposite from 2009? that if we did a lockdown, it should have been for H1N1 and not a virus for seniors with health problems? the only people that need to be locked down for this virus are seniors and even that is overblown for 66 deaths.
Didn't Trump ban all flights coming in from Europe a few days ago? Was that the media? Didn't Trump declare a national emergency? Was that the media? Didn't the administration say yesterday (Dr. Fauci) that it's possible that millions can die from this? Are you mad at the media for reporting these things?
Even I don't take trumps words too seriously, he shoots from the hip. I don't take words seriously no matter who it comes from. I care about action and results. especially from politicians. Even you should know they will say anything to get your vote. I care about results. so far this virus has spread very little compared to other countries and is far from a lethality that people under 65 should shut down schools and businesses for. We need to tell the media to stop over reacting, but as the president hes caught in a catch 22. for example travel bans, they used to be racist, now they arent strict enough. no satisfying dems.
The numbers are not correct due to lack of testing. Korea was testing 20K a day where the US has only issued ~13.8K total tests (as of a few days ago). We lack test kits and lab capacity to process the results. I have many doctor friends who can't issue tests even when they suspect it because they have to prioritize more serious cases. We don't know the true situation. I wanted to add that, though clearly nothing is going to convince you these precautions are necessary vs. a media driven over reaction. If people don't respond to you - it may more be 'what's the point' vs. 'your data and facts
shut them down'.
China is a good place to start because they have passed the crest of their infection and are on the down side of the slope. Out of their 80,860 confirmed cases, there have been 3213 deaths, which is 3.98%.
Does anyone believe that only 80K people had the virus?

"The new coronavirus might have infected at least 500,000 people in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the epicenter of the global outbreak, by the time it peaks in coming weeks. But most of those people won’t know it. "
The numbers are not correct due to lack of testing. Korea was testing 20K a day where the US has only issued ~13.8K total tests (as of a few days ago). We lack test kits and lab capacity to process the results. I have many doctor friends who can't issue tests even when they suspect it because they have to prioritize more serious cases. We don't know the true situation. I wanted to add that, though clearly nothing is going to convince you these precautions are necessary vs. a media driven over reaction. If people don't respond to you - it may more be 'what's the point' vs. 'your data and facts
shut them down'.
BTW, when I mentioned the college wrestling tournament and how stupidity and denial of facts have gone mainstream, I didn't mention Trump politics. LOLOL!
you're right, maybe this time the poll numbers will actually reflect who wins the presidents. lol. Remember? landslide victory for Hillary?

I missed that. The analysis I trusted ( showed no clear winner and several states "too close to call" right before the election.

I was never a big Hillary fan - too partisan and I found her speaking style unconvincing.
Trump's poll numbers showed him on the negative side of job approval and losing in Novemeber to every Democrat who said they were running. Even Rasmussen Reports, notorious for being on the Republican side of almost any issue ("It all depends on what questions you ask and who you ask them to") has struggled to keep t above 50% approval.
Show me some actual data...... And don't tell me cnn and la times are your source
When the links up for the class action law suite against CNN for spreading panic across the natio

There should be class action lawsuit brought to every liberal news media outlet who brought panic to the sheep causing a financial crisis.

Still looking for cases where healthy patients with no underlying conditions died from the virus. It's sad when ESPN only reports that the 3 NBA players with Corona are perfectly fine yet the national rags won't.

Medias spinning the Virus as a death sentence to all!

Very impressive how you know more than all of the health experts in the world. Just stunningly impressive. May I share this post with
I missed that. The analysis I trusted ( showed no clear winner and several states "too close to call" right before the election.

I was never a big Hillary fan - too partisan and I found her speaking style unconvincing.
I think you're getting confused. the too close to call was after voting started and trump was winning. before the votes started coming in Hillary was leading in all major polls.
The numbers are not correct due to lack of testing. Korea was testing 20K a day where the US has only issued ~13.8K total tests (as of a few days ago). We lack test kits and lab capacity to process the results. I have many doctor friends who can't issue tests even when they suspect it because they have to prioritize more serious cases. We don't know the true situation. I wanted to add that, though clearly nothing is going to convince you these precautions are necessary vs. a media driven over reaction. If people don't respond to you - it may more be 'what's the point' vs. 'your data and facts
shut them down'.
you are correct, the numbers are not correct. the more people we test, the lower the mortality rate of this virus. last I checked its down to 1.7% and falling in the u.s. with elderly people with health issues keeping the percentage higher than it should be. mind you these elderly people with health issues are easily susceptible to the seasonal flu and pneumonia which would have killed them as well.
Didn't Trump ban all flights coming in from Europe a few days ago? Was that the media? Didn't Trump declare a national emergency? Was that the media? Didn't the administration say yesterday (Dr. Fauci) that it's possible that millions can die from this? Are you mad at the media for reporting these things?
the administration, no matter republican or democrat, would have to take the strictest precautions, they are also influenced by the public. The public unfortunately are in hysteria because of the media. Since you have a poor memory, 2009 was worse outbreak. 1,000+ people died after 6 months after the first u.s. case of H1N1 before Obama declared a national emergency. Fact. no shutdown of businesses and schools like you are seeing now. no where near the panic. Trump like I said before is in a catch 22. liberals said travel bans were racist remember? Now liberals were saying travel bans were not strict enough because citizens could still come back. there is no satisfying people like you. because the public is in hysteria, any administration would have complied with stricter precautions. your welcome. you got what you wanted. ruined economy and all.
the administration, no matter republican or democrat, would have to take the strictest precautions, they are also influenced by the public. The public unfortunately are in hysteria because of the media. Since you have a poor memory, 2009 was worse outbreak. 1,000+ people died after 6 months after the first u.s. case of H1N1 before Obama declared a national emergency. Fact. no shutdown of businesses and schools like you are seeing now. no where near the panic. Trump like I said before is in a catch 22. liberals said travel bans were racist remember? Now liberals were saying travel bans were not strict enough because citizens could still come back. there is no satisfying people like you. because the public is in hysteria, any administration would have complied with stricter precautions. your welcome. you got what you wanted. ruined economy and all.

Would you like a moment to collect your thoughts?
We will never know for sure if the actions that have been taken results in less deaths in the world or if they were too aggressive. We will only know if these actions were not enough. We will also not know the true mortality rate for some time since government agencies will look back and estimate the amount of people that were infected and include them with the number of confirmed cases. This is what is done for all other diseases and pandemics. While shutdown the entire world for amount of confirmed cases and deaths so far can seems crazy to some, especially compared to previous events, we live in this social media world. Once the herd starts marching you will get trampled if you try to go in the opposite direction. Regardless of your beliefs the best thing you can do is follow all advice and help make sure the world returns to some sense of normalcy as soon as possible.
Dr. Fauci, the guy you referred to the other day as a "stud", says it's not an overreaction. Is he still a "stud"?

I'm kinda thinking he's gone a little power mad.....
A tinge of Napoleon lurking ....
the administration, no matter republican or democrat, would have to take the strictest precautions, they are also influenced by the public. The public unfortunately are in hysteria because of the media. Since you have a poor memory, 2009 was worse outbreak. 1,000+ people died after 6 months after the first u.s. case of H1N1 before Obama declared a national emergency. Fact. no shutdown of businesses and schools like you are seeing now. no where near the panic. Trump like I said before is in a catch 22. liberals said travel bans were racist remember? Now liberals were saying travel bans were not strict enough because citizens could still come back. there is no satisfying people like you. because the public is in hysteria, any administration would have complied with stricter precautions. your welcome. you got what you wanted. ruined economy and all.
You sound like a nut.
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