Some data on Covid-19 and why we're not over reacting...

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Unfortunately, stupidity and denial has been mainstreamed in this country, so "flattening the curve," which seems to be the goal in protecting our Healthcare system, is made more difficult.

"...we’re going to operate on faith rather than fear."
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Have you noticed how many Republicans are abandoning your flock now that they are seeing the real consequences of blindly following t?
We're at 1.8% mortality rate and still falling right now with the elderly and people with existing health problems still bringing the percentage up, only 66 killed all over 60 with a majority over 70. I see more democrats shifting from scared to blaming trump for not enough test kits.

"In context, Trump did not say in the passage above that the virus itself was a hoax. He instead said that Democrats’ criticism of his administration’s response to it was a hoax. "

I'm disappointed both Biden and Trump are politicizing this. I'm happy Trump and the House were able to come up with an emergency package. Let us see people on all sides work together, from our citizens to our politicians.
We're at 1.8% mortality rate and still falling right now with the elderly and people with existing health problems still bringing the percentage up, only 66 killed all over 60 with a majority over 70. I see more democrats shifting from scared to blaming trump for not enough test kits.
This rate is based on testing. If we make the assumption, and many scientist have, that 3-5 times as many people have it as compared to the testing numbers(I received a note from my health care provider that it could be 10x) then the mortality rate is dramatically lower, which is good news for everyone.
We're at 1.8% mortality rate and still falling right now with the elderly and people with existing health problems still bringing the percentage up, only 66 killed all over 60 with a majority over 70. I see more democrats shifting from scared to blaming trump for not enough test kits.
I agree about the dying being older and compromised. And you're correct that Trump completely blew it on the test kits...
These are facts. So is the exponential growth of the illness and the stupidity of people (OK governor, Devin Nunes, my post above) who ignore Dr. Fauci of Trump's administration and all other experts who insist on social distancing.
I agree about the dying being older and compromised. And you're correct that Trump completely blew it on the test kits...
These are facts. So is the exponential growth of the illness and the stupidity of people (OK governor, Devin Nunes, my post above) who ignore Dr. Fauci of Trump's administration and all other experts who insist on social distancing.
I'm not blaming trump at all, in fact I feel he reluctantly had to take a more stringent stance than Obama did in 2009 for the H1N1 virus. Obama took 6 months and 1,000 people dead to declare a national emergency. Trump did it in 2 months with only 60 dead, who probably would have died anyway if they caught the seasonal flu or pneumonia. You can blame both presidents for not improving the system, but personally I would have relied on the previous person to fix the situation, especially when they had an additional 6-7 years in office after directly experiencing an outbreak. And are your really blaming the president for a mistake the CDC made with their testing kits? I guess if you blame the top no matter what happens at the lower levels. But lets be honest, there is no vaccine, whether they get tested or not all we can do is treat the symptoms. there is no cure. Yes, its nice to know that the tests would have shown the public that this virus isn't as deadly as the media liked to scare us with, but people that read headlines only and not facts would have panicked anyway (mostly liberals right now). I blame the media, especially the left leaning media.
I'm not blaming trump at all, in fact I feel he reluctantly had to take a more stringent stance than Obama did in 2009 for the H1N1 virus. Obama took 6 months and 1,000 people dead to declare a national emergency. Trump did it in 2 months with only 60 dead, who probably would have died anyway if they caught the seasonal flu or pneumonia. You can blame both presidents for not improving the system, but personally I would have relied on the previous person to fix the situation, especially when they had an additional 6-7 years in office after directly experiencing an outbreak. And are your really blaming the president for a mistake the CDC made with their testing kits? I guess if you blame the top no matter what happens at the lower levels. But lets be honest, there is no vaccine, whether they get tested or not all we can do is treat the symptoms. there is no cure. Yes, its nice to know that the tests would have shown the public that this virus isn't as deadly as the media liked to scare us with, but people that read headlines only and not facts would have panicked anyway (mostly liberals right now). I blame the media, especially the left leaning media.
Not true at all.

"The agency said the first case was reported on April 15, 2009, and the government declared H1N1 a public health emergency on the April 26. The first test to detect the new virus was approved by the FDA two days later. Shipments of the new CDC test began May 1. "

Not true at all.

"The agency said the first case was reported on April 15, 2009, and the government declared H1N1 a public health emergency on the April 26. The first test to detect the new virus was approved by the FDA two days later. Shipments of the new CDC test began May 1. "

you must not have read what I wrote, I said National Emergency declared by the president that opens up resources to fight the outbreak. Obama declared it in October of 2009. go ahead and fact check that.
you must not have read what I wrote, I said National Emergency declared by the president that opens up resources to fight the outbreak. Obama declared it in October of 2009. go ahead and fact check that.
potayto potahto... some folks are trying really hard to deflect. Whataboutism in full effect. He hasn't been in office for 3 years. Where are the test kits.
potayto potahto... some folks are trying really hard to deflect. Whataboutism in full effect. He hasn't been in office for 3 years. Where are the test kits?
no, just admit when you're wrong, dont spread misinformation. World health Organization (WHO) declared a public health Emergency Jan 30 for the coronavirus. CDC announced test kits would ship feb 6. The test kits they made were faulty. Not the presidents fault no matter much you wish it was. facts matter. The facts show trump declared a national emergency faster that the previous outbreak in 2009 with only 66 deaths compared to 6 months later and 1,000+ deaths during obamas tenure.
I'm not blaming trump at all, in fact I feel he reluctantly had to take a more stringent stance than Obama did in 2009 for the H1N1 virus. Obama took 6 months and 1,000 people dead to declare a national emergency. Trump did it in 2 months with only 60 dead, who probably would have died anyway if they caught the seasonal flu or pneumonia. You can blame both presidents for not improving the system, but personally I would have relied on the previous person to fix the situation, especially when they had an additional 6-7 years in office after directly experiencing an outbreak. And are your really blaming the president for a mistake the CDC made with their testing kits? I guess if you blame the top no matter what happens at the lower levels. But lets be honest, there is no vaccine, whether they get tested or not all we can do is treat the symptoms. there is no cure. Yes, its nice to know that the tests would have shown the public that this virus isn't as deadly as the media liked to scare us with, but people that read headlines only and not facts would have panicked anyway (mostly liberals right now). I blame the media, especially the left leaning media.

You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading this twaddle.
no, just admit when you're wrong, dont spread misinformation. World health Organization (WHO) declared a public health Emergency Jan 30 for the coronavirus. CDC announced test kits would ship feb 6. The test kits they made were faulty. Not the presidents fault no matter much you wish it was. facts matter. The facts show trump declared a national emergency faster that the previous outbreak in 2009 with only 66 deaths compared to 6 months later and 1,000+ deaths during obamas tenure.

Are we down to zero yet?
Are we down to zero yet?
maybe you need to read more. the mortality rate is now down to 1.8% and falling. Germany who supposedly just went on lockdown sunday has more than 1,000 more cases than u.s. with a mortality rate of .24%. Far from 10x the lethality as the flu as the media has convinced liberals that just read headlines instead of facts and numbers. I wonder what will happen when the only store open are grocery stores and supply stores open during limited hours like italy. A mad rush with long lines and packed stores. the very thing we are trying to avoid.
And can everyone who wants a test get one yet?
everyone that wants a test huh? would you like one today? would you like one tomorrow? would you like one a week from now? would you like one with experiencing no symptoms? Tests don't matter except to track the number and location of where an outbreak is. which is good. but no good for our current situation. the fact is, and ill break this down very simple for all of you, an extremely small percentage of people out of 300 million+ people in the u.s. have this virus. Of that small percentage an even smaller group of people actually experience symptoms. of that smaller group percentage, only 3,599 have experienced symptoms strong enough to be tested. Of that even smaller group that got tested, only 20% with corona virus get hospitalized (that includes people in 3rd world countries that wait until the last second to be scene or have access to a doctor), of that 20%, lets say conservatively 719 people, 66 died, of that 66 all were over 60 and a majority over 70. chicken little, you can sleep easy.
When the links up for the class action law suite against CNN for spreading panic across the natio
I'm not blaming trump at all, in fact I feel he reluctantly had to take a more stringent stance than Obama did in 2009 for the H1N1 virus. Obama took 6 months and 1,000 people dead to declare a national emergency. Trump did it in 2 months with only 60 dead, who probably would have died anyway if they caught the seasonal flu or pneumonia. You can blame both presidents for not improving the system, but personally I would have relied on the previous person to fix the situation, especially when they had an additional 6-7 years in office after directly experiencing an outbreak. And are your really blaming the president for a mistake the CDC made with their testing kits? I guess if you blame the top no matter what happens at the lower levels. But lets be honest, there is no vaccine, whether they get tested or not all we can do is treat the symptoms. there is no cure. Yes, its nice to know that the tests would have shown the public that this virus isn't as deadly as the media liked to scare us with, but people that read headlines only and not facts would have panicked anyway (mostly liberals right now). I blame the media, especially the left leaning media.
There should be class action lawsuit brought to every liberal news media outlet who brought panic to the sheep causing a financial crisis.

Still looking for cases where healthy patients with no underlying conditions died from the virus. It's sad when ESPN only reports that the 3 NBA players with Corona are perfectly fine yet the national rags won't.

Medias spinning the Virus as a death sentence to all!