As long as the NFL, NBA, and MLB exist soccer will never get the priority at the youth level. Too much money, power and politics involved. Women's sports generally get a small fraction of viewership that even mediocre men's sports get. On the boy's soccer side youth soccer in SoCal is dominated by Hispanic players and their supporters just don't have the political power yet that they should have to demand equal access to facilities that other sports enjoy. I wish it was different but though soccer is making slow progress I don't envision soccer being a top HS sport anytime soon with cheerleaders and playing in a warmer season.
There are multiple problem with baseball on all levels (major leagues, minor leagues, youth). Soccer should have passed MLB baseball by now but due to its own problems it will still likely take some time (unless baseball magically reforms itself at all levels).
Gridiron football too has had issues from declining participation to the concussion problems to the politics, but you are right, it's a very powerful sport. Basketball isn't going anywhere. Soccer, at least for the men, will be the no. 3 sport for a long time to come.
Strike Three: Baseball Is Dead
Baseball has declined in popularity, and that will have a long-lasting effect on the culture at large. Years from now, a young child will ask, "Grandpa, what was baseball?"