So Cal Soccer Leagues 2020-2021

You came on this site, saying you are an expert on all things soccer - then we find out you are only 24?, only coached one boys team that has already aged out, you are posting on a forum that is primarily for youth, you have no other teams right now, and you know nothing about the women's game. All of this puts people off dude, all are welcome to post opinions and comments and engage in a discussion but if you come on like all of that it isn't going to be received well.
Hey 43, he never said he was an expert. Expert is someone like Tad Bobak, with over 40 years teaching and coaching females. He said was he has experience. He started at 16 so 8 years in socal is a lot.
I’m with @Soccer43 on this. The swagger and big talk that comes from young know it all guys can off putting. Turn the volume down a bit. Earn respect.
I like the young lad. First, for coming on here to give his take is awesome. Josh McDaniels took sh*t from the old crusty coaches that were stuck in their old crusty ways. Bill was humble enough to hire the kid. We need fresh ideas in soccer and only this 24 and younger generation can save us.