So Cal Soccer Leagues 2020-2021


You know there is a thread about ranking boys leagues? This should have been added there. Many of the regular posters here are interested in the girls/women’s game so to not even know the difference or the importance of that difference shows you know nothing about the game
You know there is a thread about ranking boys leagues? This should have been added there. Many of the regular posters here are interested in the girls/women’s game so to not even know the difference or the importance of that difference shows you know nothing about the game
Makes no sense for you to say I know nothing about the game just because the people on the forum are more concerned with women’s soccer lol. But carry on? By the way there actually isn’t a thread regarding the new leagues and stuff which is why I made this list. All I said was that within each organization exists it’s own hierarchy of leagues but if it was blown out of proportion then I do not know what to say honestly. I had been reading the forum for the last 2 years before I finally decided to make an account last December so I know that sometimes people here have a superiority complex so it’s fine really. Take my list with a grain of salt because that’s how it was meant to be portrayed.
Makes no sense for you to say I know nothing about the game just because the people on the forum are more concerned with women’s soccer lol. But carry on? By the way there actually isn’t a thread regarding the new leagues and stuff which is why I made this list. All I said was that within each organization exists it’s own hierarchy of leagues but if it was blown out of proportion then I do not know what to say honestly. I had been reading the forum for the last 2 years before I finally decided to make an account last December so I know that sometimes people here have a superiority complex so it’s fine really. Take my list with a grain of salt because that’s how it was meant to be portrayed.

Your first post in this thread includes " I like to brag to people that I’m extremely knowledgeable".

So show it.
Your first post in this thread includes " I like to brag to people that I’m extremely knowledgeable".

So show it.
I literally did it for publicity and it worked; got some follows on our social media & interested parents already emailed me and some players themselves sent me messages through Instagram DM. Unfortunately I haven’t worked with anything ages U19 & younger since last season started. But now I get the privilege to thank those folks for their interest and will get back to them when I have something to offer.
You do know there’s no Boys ECRL logo out at the moment right? So I thought folks were smart enough to see girls ECNL logo is just a placeholder, unfortunately you didn’t.
I'm impressed. I'm a 53 year old wise man now. I wish I met someone like you 9 years ago. I see a great future for honest and ethical coaches. Kids need good coaches who model the roll one young girl or boy would look up to. Espy put me on super ignore and I think he has multiple personalities or avatars or both so don;t mind him. He asked me questions early on and then started hating my answers so he let everyone know to ignore.
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I literally did it for publicity and it worked; got some follows on our social media & interested parents already emailed me and some players themselves sent me messages through Instagram DM. Unfortunately I haven’t worked with anything ages U19 & younger since last season started. But now I get the privilege to thank those folks for their interest and will get back to them when I have something to offer.

You have nothing to offer now?
You have nothing to offer now?
Nope my boys aged out last season so I took them to the SCPL & UPSL. Same principles, different kind of competition. I am privileged to have some under 18 kids who would rather play against men than boys their own age. It’s something I believe other clubs should do. The Barca Residency Academy in Arizona (former DA) is putting a team in the UPSL too. I will be back to coach youth again but the pandemic set us all back. I got invited to enter my club in the NPL West but that’s not feasible at the moment, perhaps next season.
You’re probably an angry parent who got mad that maybe your league isn’t where you thought it was on the pyramid lol. I’m only 24, grew up in the club system, run my own soccer club by my self so i actually DO know also know well enough that I educate parents on not falling for marketing ploys. Like how Santa Monica Surf stated that the “EA League is the old version of the DA” for example. Or how a team in Coast called Academia Futbol Central LA brag about how they go to the MIC Cup in Spain every year but don’t tell people they’re a silver level club and they lose all 3 games in the group stage usually every year.

No, Ebola is actually someone whose kid graduated from college many years ago and hasn't been able to find a hobby.
I admit there is a lot of aggressive attitude expressed in this forum probably because many posters feel safe hiding behind anonymity, but you will go a lot further in building your reputation here if you don't look at every conversation as an argument.

I will withhold further judgments about you until I see your response.

Yet you were the dick that started an argument.
If that’s how you want to look at it sure I don’t even know who you are so I really don’t care if you’re trying to throw shots
You came on this site, saying you are an expert on all things soccer - then we find out you are only 24?, only coached one boys team that has already aged out, you are posting on a forum that is primarily for youth, you have no other teams right now, and you know nothing about the women's game. All of this puts people off dude, all are welcome to post opinions and comments and engage in a discussion but if you come on like all of that it isn't going to be received well.
You came on this site, saying you are an expert on all things soccer - then we find out you are only 24?, only coached one boys team that has already aged out, you are posting on a forum that is primarily for youth, you have no other teams right now, and you know nothing about the women's game. All of this puts people off dude, all are welcome to post opinions and comments and engage in a discussion but if you come on like all of that it isn't going to be received well.
I didn’t say I was an expert I said I was knowledgeable and you saying all things soccer is a bigger reach than Michael Jordan’s dunk in Space Jam because one can scroll up and see I never said that. I’ve coached 4 different boys teams but only have one right now because they’re aged out so I’m doing what I can to keep them going. The previous teams were under the Anahuak Academy name before the 2 teams we had under their name were dissolved because the main booster moved upstate. Me being 24 is irrelevant, I don’t have to be a grown ass man like Ted Lasso to have experience especially since I started when I was 16 lol. You got a manager like Julian Nagelsmann who is younger than Ronaldo and he’s out there making moves with RB Leipzig. Also, how can you say I know nothing about the women’s game just because I would rather work with boys (I don’t think girls would take me serious). And it’s obvious this is a youth forum hence why I’m here; to hopefully put teams in Coast again or NPL West, or provide the alternative and give them the opportunity to play against adults and maybe even a chance against the pros (we’re doing Lamar Hunt US Open Cup). Anything else you’d like to add or question or berate?
It is your inexperience and immaturity that is causing you to miss how you are presenting yourself. I agree with G- turn the volume down a bit and earn respect.
We now have less than 45 days before the new season for scdsl/csl begins. San Diego County is close to coming out of the watch list and hopefully OC will follow. I don’t think we are starting on October 1st but so far no new date delays. I do t know how the rest of the counties can play unless they move all games to San Diego.