We pay thousands for our kids to play club soccer but complain about the cost of parking to maintain one of the best facilities in so cal?
I'll gladly pay Disneyland parking prices to keep this gem open and the grass green.
I wholeheartedly agree. I'm so fed up with people complaining about parking fees.
They can usually be avoided if you want by parking off-site or carpooling. If the parking fees were eliminated, they'd just jack the prices up by $200 per team, and nobody could avoid it. I'm a referee, could show my card and almost certainly park for free every time if I felt like being a cheat, and I don't. I'm happy to pay to keep the nice fields at Silverlakes or Oceanside. I don't care that my car gets dirty, either, since it usually is.
I just ran a report. I spent $4,919.91 in the last 12 months on sports for 2 kids, and one child is just high school, so that is pretty cheap. My daughter's club is probably in the lower 1/2 as far a registration and stuff goes. I don't usually count gas, and we drove probably about 8,000 miles in that period of time (no lie). That amount doesn't include parking because I usually pay cash and am pretty lazy about accounting for my cash expenditures. Why the hell would I care about a couple hundred in parking when I spend over 25 times that on everything else? I know a lot of people pay more than my family does.