You guys need to knock this crap off. This thread was started as a way for a coach to find a couple guest players for a tournament and you have turned it into a complete cluster F. Coaches come on here all the time looking for a guest player or two and some of you take them up on it. The BS you are throwing around on this thread would scare any coach away in the future from posting on this site and looking for a player that might be one of yours. The subjects of some threads lead to debate and others like this one are about helping each other out. So, grow the F up!!
Surfref, I normally agree with you. But Joe is a special case. He has multiple aliases on this forum and has done his own bashing of teams, coaches and parents as Adidas26 which we all know is him, including:
Anaheim Surf Winter Cup thread in G07 post #11 - "That Team has allways played dirty and Parents are very bad!"
SD Surf Thanksgiving Challenge 2016 thread in G07 post # 27 "They Had Guest Players, come on"
Albion Cup G04 thread in G04 - multiple posts slamming AC Toumi for bringing players to Sharks and Albion including "Sharks lost 8 players this year from the original Toumi team, witch know is Albion DA. Lol" For the record it was not 8 players but nice try as I think he might have lost one or 2 to Sharks that year.
If Spacey did not start complementing him, I probably wound not have said anything. After PMing with Spacey, you might have noticed a change in his stance but I know he regrets posting anything given further information and reflection.
Also another poster that I have become friends with on this site has confirmed that he yells tackle when his players get beat. They don't do it right and regardless of whether the ref calls it or not, that is extremely dangerous. The poster told me that her dd looked like she had been "run over by a lawnmower after the game" with cuts, bruises and cleat marks because she does not back down. Obviously some contact is normal in soccer but it must be really unnerving to be on a breakaway and hear the other coach screaming at the top of his lungs, tackle. To me that is poor sportsmanship.
He is also on this forum as Jojosoccer and I believe he is also Supermodel given my comments above.
As icing on the cake, look at baldref's comments. Spot on!
Charity starts at home and if Joe does not want to hear negative comments about himself, he should stop doing it to others.