The best players will be on the best team - ECNL - just like it was before. There is absolutely no chance they’ll try to stick many of their best players on a team that plays in a lower tier because they’ll lose them.
Yes the DA girls who have been in it from day one have been hit the hardest, but don't feel for them, feel sorry for the ECNL girls who now might be displaced by the DA girls and moved to tier 2 teams.My 2 cents being on the East Coast....
I have connections at both FC Virginia, Baltimore Armour, and Metro United DA Programs. Seems to be the rumors are true but no decision has been made. The Soccerwire article is right on with its analysis. No decision has been made at this point yet...
If DA does dissolve on the girls side, you will see ECNL either expand its Regional Program or add ECNL II which is already in the works.
The big winner in all of this is the USYS, ODP and smaller clubs around the rest of the country. It's National league will get a big boost.
EDP on the East Coast will be the other top league. They have been expanding as well over the years. They actually manage US Youth Soccer's National League.
In the end, I think it's a good thing for the future. I think the split in talent between DA and ECNL didn't help anyone and hopefully the competition pool gets back to being its strongest.
For those with kids that have been in the DA system since its start, I truly feel for you if this becomes fact.
We should feel sorry for everyone except those who did all this to us imo!Yes the DA girls who have been in it from day one have been hit the hardest, but don't feel for them, feel sorry for the ECNL girls who now might be displaced by the DA girls and moved to tier 2 teams.
Or as has been discussed on the forum before, the west forms its own league with two divisions, north and south, period. No need for expensive travel back east to play against some teams that play kickball, rugby style soccer. There is plenty of good competition locally. Once they are in college they will be playing against or with the best players from around the country. Absolutely no reason to travel across the country disrupting school, especially high school, at 13, 14, 15, 16 or even 17 for league games or showcases!This whole thing is interesting for sure. The idea that was floated regarding a North and South Division in the ECNL SW Division if DA does fold is interesting or something to that affect. It makes the most sense IMHO. I do not think many would argue that the DA in SoCal is on the whole a bit stronger of a League than the ECNL SW. Hasn’t LAFC lapped the field in almost every age group the last couple of years? I would think like others have mentioned ECNL would want the best competition and clubs available.
ECNL is a non-profit organization but that does not mean they are different than for profit businesses in that they do want to grow...bigger is more money $$$, more clubs, more Regional Showcases. More customers is a problem I love to have in my business. Plus how they handle this sets the tone for when the “next” big league try's to pop up. They will have insulated themselves from the situation they faced when DA arrived and clubs defected. They can actually step in and save some of these clubs if DA is folding. I doubt clubs would be as quick to leave if the opportunity arises in the future.
If they stay true to their mission, I can’t imagine them turning away quality clubs that want to come back. I would figure out a way to take as many as I can that meet a specific criteria.
Good business people make good decisions, ones that will benefit their organization. You would have to be very short-sighted, or an immature business person to let emotion or a previous slight affect you from growing your brand, organization, or closing a good deal that will benefit the bottom line. They may ask for concessions, possible leadership changes, etc. from some of these clubs as they have leverage.
I’m sure there will also be some crow eaten. Whatever happens, it will entertaining.
I think the girls can start practicing in June or July and games in the fall. Live stream the games for all the parents, grand parents and college coaches. The fans might have to wait but we need to get the ball rolling or we will have other problems to deal with than the GDA. I forgot how much I love and needs sports.Youth soccer if it gets back to practicing & playing by fall will be best you can hope for at this point. Universities like Boston already said then estimate they maynot resume in person schooling until jan2021.
If schools don't back in the fall there will be no fall soccer season. Without a proven vaccine or treatment there is no way things can return and have hundreds of people at a soccer complex for the weekly games.
While it's fun to dream about what leagues or teams will get into what and this point you can't even go to most parks as the cities have closed them in socal. We are a long way aways from any youth soccer and I doubt any organizations are negotiating where too play,v they just will be lucky if they can play and survive without income for many months. Back to dreaming on...
Why do you assume a competing league would want to take down ECNL? If a new league does form, there are probably multiple reasons for it, the last being to "take down ECNL"I disagree with your assertion that DA is stronger than ECNL. ECNL kids who get cut land in the DA. My DD plays ECNL and we see it happen every year. Maybe at the younger age groups, before HS soccer kicks in, DA is stronger. But once they get to HS a lot of players shift to or stay in ECNL.
As for ECNL grabbing more teams - more is not always better if it dilutes the product. Too many AZ teams or too many So Cal teams waters down the talent. If we were all bitching that it was watered down by having ECNL and DA both, why would anyone campaign for ECNL to repeat that mistake. Sure some clubs belong there for sure. But, ECNL has to decide how to play it. And, regardless of who the top two clubs are in AZ (let's be honest - it changes per age group), the players are going to go where the ECNL clubs are. So if there are only PR and AZ Arsenal, then that is where the top players will play. If SD Surf does not get in, then most of those players will go elsewhere.
As for a competing league rising out of this, good luck. If US Soccer couldn't take down ECNL I doubt anyone else can.
I like that better.Practice will commence in June; games in July. Open for business will be in phases. Phase 1 will start June 1 and phase 2 will be July 1. Fans will be able to attend if they wear masks and sit 6 ft apart.
Since everyone else is sharing their opinion, how about this. The DA clubs in SoCal are working together right now to set up their own league to continue playing each other, just like they did with the U12 age group this year when DA took that away, so they can keep up the appearance to parents that nothing has changed, they are still maintaining the high quality product of the DA, minus the fancy patch on the jerseys. I would bet on this especially if US soccer still plans to hold a few tournaments or showcases at the youth level and offers connections to these clubs for YNT Identification, which is the ultimate carrot for a lot of DA parents.
If this is true, let's hope they are smart and they make a few changes: high school soccer ok, relax the sub rules at the older ages to mirror those of college or less, and leave AZ teams out. Sorry to those in AZ but I don't see the need for SD/LA to drive to AZ for league play.
There is going to be a vote in order to avoid a class action lawsuit. Here is what is going to happen.What is the hold up on the breaking news? Maybe one side told the other side they have until April 15th to come back to the Family or they can start something up in SoCal? I'm a little bit shocked leaks are out but no news?????
Excellent takes dreamz. BTW, congrats on the hottest thread ever. Gr8t timing. @VegasParent you had a nice run....lolThere is going to be a vote in order to avoid a class action lawsuit. Here is what is going to happen.
US Soccer goes to the DA members and gives them two options.
1. The DA will stay in business for the 2020/21 season then fold And you can sink with us.
2. You can opt out now and get into ECNL if you can.
What idiot would choose option 1 and give up the opportunity to get off the sinking ship now? By choosing option 2, US Soccer is off the hook for a lawsuit. By choosing option 1, clubs seal their own fate because they aren’t getting into ECNL if they wait one more year until the ship has sank to the bottom of the ocean.
US Soccer knows everyone will choose option 2. Case closed. If I had to guess, this is all played out by then end of this week or sooner.
no reason for LA to drive to AZ, but there is a reason for AZ to drive to LA.Since everyone else is sharing their opinion, how about this. The DA clubs in SoCal are working together right now to set up their own league to continue playing each other, just like they did with the U12 age group this year when DA took that away, so they can keep up the appearance to parents that nothing has changed, they are still maintaining the high quality product of the DA, minus the fancy patch on the jerseys. I would bet on this especially if US soccer still plans to hold a few tournaments or showcases at the youth level and offers connections to these clubs for YNT Identification, which is the ultimate carrot for a lot of DA parents.
If this is true, let's hope they are smart and they make a few changes: high school soccer ok, relax the sub rules at the older ages to mirror those of college or less, and leave AZ teams out. Sorry to those in AZ but I don't see the need for SD/LA to drive to AZ for league play.
My scenario was strictly referring to the boys DA. Isn't it possible that how clubs handle boys and girls teams could be different? Your scenario sounds realistic for the girls. I just don't see DA boys teams clamoring to get into the ECNL when they could create their own league with the existing DA clubs.This isn’t true. Surf, Beach and Legends don’t care about playing the bottom dweller. They care about playing Solar or TopHat, Slammers. Their B teams are better off playing ECNL Regional League, not DPL. ECNL will take the top clubs and the others will end up right back where they started. Back in local leagues trying to lie their way into being relevant. Don’t be fooled that the top clubs feel any reason to help anyone else. It’s survival of the fittest and they want to play the best teams. Not help provide a league for their competition by opting out of ECNL just so the club in their own back yard can stay in business.
No, not fair and not fun. I say just for the olders, say 9th grade and up and start learning about home and away games and travel. ECNL is prepping your dd for college, not just local games. Again, I'm talking about big time club soccer where all the top top players are reason for LA to drive to AZ, but there is a reason for AZ to drive to LA.
I’d let the AZ teams join as out of region teams. All away games, but you still get to play top teams. Has some appeal if they want it. (same argument goes for Vegas and Norcal.)
This is the Girls DA thread so if you were speaking about Boys DA please make sure to specify that. Boys and girls are totally different in how this will be handled and how the leagues will look. Imagine that. Boys and girls being different.My scenario was strictly referring to the boys DA. Isn't it possible that how clubs handle boys and girls teams could be different? Your scenario sounds realistic for the girls. I just don't see DA boys teams clamoring to get into the ECNL when they could create their own league with the existing DA clubs.
Practice will commence in June; games in July. Open for business will be in phases. Phase 1 will start June 1 and phase 2 will be July 1. Fans will be able to attend if they wear masks and sit 6 ft apart.