This whole thing is interesting for sure. The idea that was floated regarding a North and South Division in the ECNL SW Division if DA does fold is interesting or something to that affect. It makes the most sense IMHO. I do not think many would argue that the DA in SoCal is on the whole a bit stronger of a League than the ECNL SW. Hasn’t LAFC lapped the field in almost every age group the last couple of years? I would think like others have mentioned ECNL would want the best competition and clubs available.
ECNL is a non-profit organization but that does not mean they are different than for profit businesses in that they do want to grow...bigger is more money $$$, more clubs, more Regional Showcases. More customers is a problem I love to have in my business. Plus how they handle this sets the tone for when the “next” big league try's to pop up. They will have insulated themselves from the situation they faced when DA arrived and clubs defected. They can actually step in and save some of these clubs if DA is folding. I doubt clubs would be as quick to leave if the opportunity arises in the future.
If they stay true to their mission, I can’t imagine them turning away quality clubs that want to come back. I would figure out a way to take as many as I can that meet a specific criteria.
Good business people make good decisions, ones that will benefit their organization. You would have to be very short-sighted, or an immature business person to let emotion or a previous slight affect you from growing your brand, organization, or closing a good deal that will benefit the bottom line. They may ask for concessions, possible leadership changes, etc. from some of these clubs as they have leverage.
I’m sure there will also be some crow eaten. Whatever happens, it will entertaining.