
I agree with everything Mr Carlson says.
He does however need to get rid of the toupee.
His hair is a big part of his preppy brand. His angry and snide personality is probably starting to turn people off...I don't think the GOP is gonna have its best year in 2020.
His hair is a big part of his preppy brand. His angry and snide personality is probably starting to turn people off...I don't think the GOP is gonna have its best year in 2020.
I really liked him when he got his new show , but after a while he started getting a bit over the top. What he has been saying through the Wuhan virus and these riots I fully agree.
I really liked him when he got his new show , but after a while he started getting a bit over the top. What he has been saying through the Wuhan virus and these riots I fully agree.
I don’t listen. His smug smirky face is all I see and I heard the thing about the mob coming for us and once again I just think he’s a fear-mongerer.
ox News Host Tucker Carlson Loses More Advertisers
Disney, Papa John’s, Poshmark and T-Mobile backed away from “Tucker Carlson Tonight” after the host’s comments about Black Lives Matter protests.
ox News Host Tucker Carlson Loses More Advertisers
Disney, Papa John’s, Poshmark and T-Mobile backed away from “Tucker Carlson Tonight” after the host’s comments about Black Lives Matter protests.
Sounds like a good list to boycott, free speech fascists.
I came home from an early date yesterday ((yes, I still ask her out for dates after 23 years and make her feel special)) and made the mistake to "check out" the latest on CNN. Well, I see these white dudes cruising around a Wendy's in downtown Atlanta with yellow hard hats on and faces covered. They were setting the Wendys on fire and breaking in. They look like the same guys I saw in the area cities causing fires and hammers to break in. Whats up with these dudes? It's a uniform, right? Let the others know there on their side I guess? I thought they were firefighters helping as volunteers but that changed quickly. Something doesn;t smell right and I will be praying for all of us because something is very very wrong.
I came home from an early date yesterday ((yes, I still ask her out for dates after 23 years and make her feel special)) and made the mistake to "check out" the latest on CNN. Well, I see these white dudes cruising around a Wendy's in downtown Atlanta with yellow hard hats on and faces covered. They were setting the Wendys on fire and breaking in. They look like the same guys I saw in the area cities causing fires and hammers to break in. Whats up with these dudes? It's a uniform, right? Let the others know there on their side I guess? I thought they were firefighters helping as volunteers but that changed quickly. Something doesn;t smell right and I will be praying for all of us because something is very very wrong.
Old news, my man. You’re waking up!
This was all after some cops chased down a black guy and shot and killed him in the back while he was running away, because he was shooting them with their taser that he took. What would have happened if they had let him run away?
Old news, my man. You’re waking up!
This was all after some cops chased down a black guy and shot and killed him in the back while he was running away, because he was shooting them with their taser that he took. What would have happened if they had let him run away?
You know what, I was watching that and i thought the same thing. All these cars in the drive through too with all their cameras on. Two white cops too. I would have let him run and jog close behind and I'm sure he would have gotten tired and given up. No need to shoot at all. RIP is all I can say to Mr Brooks. He does have to take some blame on this though. My friend who is black and follows all the rules, still said he shouldn't have been fighting with the two white cops and if he would have just surrendered he would be alive right now. The lawyers said last night if he was shot during the scuffle then pretty much on Mr Brooks. It's like all three of them wanting to fight and get it on in front of so many witnesses. I'm glad Jesus was the greatest example of not fighting back, even when the Romans were kicking his ass. Good Sunday to you Messy. I have hope someday that this will all be behind us and I can;t wait.
@tenacious and anyone else who wouldn;t mine a little scripture reading on a Sunday from the good book. Jesus of Nazareth ((Christ is not his last name btw)) was humble unlike anyone in history. This is one of many favs I have in the bible. I will break it down for you bro and take it for what it is. I'm not inviting you to church and I will never ask you to give 10% and above. I'm just inviting you to learn a little from me if you want to. If you don;t like, you can tell me to stop anytime.

Philippians 2 New International Version (NIV) ((easy to read version. Paul is writing only to the folks at the church he helped start in Philipi))

Imitating Christ’s Humility ((pretty much impossible to do but one tries again each day after they failed the day before))
2 Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. ((This is the true acid test right here that all Christians are measured. No way around this one at all imo))

5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: ((follow closely down below. This is the key to understanding the true Christ. Jesus became the Christ after he died and rose from the dead, according to the bible and eye witnesses)).

6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
7 rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!

9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.

As you can read, pretty darn amazing if the story is true. If it's true and you find out after you die, I'm sure one would bow in respect to Jesus. This is where people like to jump in and add their fear to the after life and talk about hell and judgement and I see something completely different in this true love story. I hope this helps out.