Are you Espy two? I'm just curious. I know some on here have multiple screen names and that's cool and hide behind multiple screen name avatars. I don;t vote bro. I respect and I guess, honor the local leaders first, then County leaders, then State leaders and whomever the President is at the time, I respect the office. I found this old scripture from Paul written to his church he helped start in Rome.
Keep in mind this is only Paul writing to his peeps in Rome around 57 AD. He was their Shepard and he was giving them advise on how to deal with those in charge in Rome back then. Also, the followers of Christ back then used to all meet up in Jerusalem only and were having street festivals and praising and singing songs in the squares. Well, that didn't go over well with the leaders back then so they stoned Steven to death in Jerusalem and the message of forgiveness and love spread across the world because everyone was afraid of some guy named Saul who became Paul and well, you know the story probably.
Obey Those in Authority
13 All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. 2 So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged. 3 If you do what is right, you won’t need to be afraid of your rulers. But watch out if you do what is wrong! You don’t want to be afraid of those in authority, do you? Then do what is right, and you will be praised. 4 The one in authority serves God for your good. But if you do wrong, watch out! Rulers don’t carry a sword for no reason at all. They serve God. And God is carrying out his anger through them. The ruler punishes anyone who does wrong. 5 You must obey the authorities. Then you will not be punished. You must also obey them because you know it is right.
6 That’s also why you pay taxes. The authorities serve God. Ruling takes up all their time. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them. Do you owe taxes? Then pay them. Do you owe anything else to the government? Then pay it. Do you owe respect? Then give it. Do you owe honor? Then show it.
Love Fulfills the Law
8 Pay everything you owe. But you can never pay back all the love you owe one another. Whoever loves other people has done everything the law requires. 9 Here are some commandments to think about. “Do not commit adultery.” “Do not commit murder.” “Do not steal.” “Do not want what belongs to others.” (
Exodus 20:13 15,
Deuteronomy 5:17 19,
21) These and all other commands are included in one command. Here’s what it is.
“Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” (
Leviticus 19:18) 10 Love does not harm its neighbor. So love does everything the law requires.