Pulling out of State cup?

Secretary or not, failing to post board minutes may put their non-profit corporation status at risk. Let me ask a question for which most people already know the answer -- Are there any soccer parent lawyers out there?

@MWN I have would venture to guess works in the law field to some degree.

Seems like CS has been keeping more & more private over the years. Closed door decisions, fewer commissioners influencing certain decisions that have been talking about on the forum.
@MWN I have would venture to guess works in the law field to some degree.

Seems like CS has been keeping more & more private over the years. Closed door decisions, fewer commissioners influencing certain decisions that have been talking about on the forum.

About 10 years or so ago, when I was our club's delegate to the Cal South annual meeting, there was an article up for vote that completely restructured the way discipline hearings and appeals were conducted. I spoke with the chairman of the hearing committee, and she said that the proposal for the change came from influential coaches and DOCs who didn't like the way some of the hearings had turned out. We voted against the change, but it carried anyway.
@espola, at the end of the day, Cal South is the State Association for the leagues and local clubs. If the clubs are not happy with Cal South, they turn to U.S. Club Soccer. Like any quasi-political organization, you have membership that is active and other members that are not. Sometimes the vocal minority gets their way and larger clubs have the ability to exert more political pressure than the small clubs (through a presence in multiple districts). Pretty much how it is at all levels in this world.
All I know is the Operational Group works hard and long hours to create a State Cup experience that few other State Association members enjoy. Cal South is the class of the US Youth Soccer Association, and its teams receive substantial subsidies to attend Regionals, Nationals, and ODP, whereas many other state Associations don't subsidize. Compared to Cal North, Cal South is the best thing since sliced bread.

I should have been more even handed in my criticisms of CalSouth. They do have many positive attributes, but they have also turned a blind eye towards many unethical practices. My guess is the people on the ground that make things work are not the main problem, it is a small minority at or near the top. In the end, it is all about money.
Funny I was just hearing complaints from people in other states with the fact that they have 5-6 "State Cups" each year in their State and they wish it was just one. Considering we have at 750 teams at the 05 age group, multiply that by all the different ages, then compared to other States that only have 1/3 the number of teams, they do a decent job. Now where all the money goes that is a different story. The bigger an organization becomes, the more difficult to keep it ethical.
Will CalSouth ever make the move to digital player cards? The days of kids not playing a game because an adult does not have the player cards should be long behind us.
From this past State cup ... its a harsh,, but better learning experience to go O-3 against top competition vs 3-0 against weaker teams.
I think a GREAT tourney experience is to play the toughest comp first... then have that experience against competition thats is not so formidable.
Making young kids be/think realistically goes along way.